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W w w. h a m k. f i RUTH’s goal is to give information, practical skills and ideas on how to use our rural traditional heritage in developing rural entrepreneurship.

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Presentation on theme: "W w w. h a m k. f i RUTH’s goal is to give information, practical skills and ideas on how to use our rural traditional heritage in developing rural entrepreneurship."— Presentation transcript:

1 w w w. h a m k. f i RUTH’s goal is to give information, practical skills and ideas on how to use our rural traditional heritage in developing rural entrepreneurship. Students will learn to understand the values of rural traditional heritage, to recognise remains of past rural and forestry activities in the landscape and to gain skills on management of rural traditional heritage. Understanding the values and learning these skills related to rural traditional heritage will create new possibilities for rural entrepreneurship. The international approach will result in higher synergy of curriculum development and better quality in teaching. RUTH – Rural Traditional Heritage – a tool for sustainability, Erasmus IP

2 w w w. h a m k. f i Course output The course outputs will be a study process in Moodle including materials concerning rural traditional and a production manuscript. The student output will be new business plans based on rural traditional heritage and new skills.

3 w w w. h a m k. f i Course information RUHT intensive course is using the following tools in achieving the goals: two contact learning sessions, eLearning by using an educational internet environment. The learning process starts in September 2007 and ends in May 2008. 18 B.Sc. students will participate. The study programmes joining are agriculture, forestry, landscape design, horticulture and sustainable development Participants from Norway (HUC), Lithuania (KMAIK), Finland (HAMK)

4 w w w. h a m k. f i Course blog Course information is distributed via a blog

5 w w w. h a m k. f i Production manuscript The management process of the IP programme will be described and documented in a production manuscript Link to production manducript

6 w w w. h a m k. f i First part of the IP 7-19.10.2007 Lithuania

7 w w w. h a m k. f i First part of the IP: Learning new skills

8 w w w. h a m k. f i Incentives and obstacles Students gave positive feedback for the international ascpects in the course: learning to know a new culture, new people and new traditions. Pedagogical issues in running an IP should be planned in advance: methods of getting students participating in the learning process, methods on how to involve students in the material production during the course.

9 w w w. h a m k. f i Winter 2007 and spring 2008 Students will be added to HAMK Moodle Students will continue to work on their business plans (work started in Lithuania autumn 2007) Students prepare to learn other students new skills in Finland Studetns will present their new skills in Finland by skill demostrations Students will present booklets on their business plan products spring 2008 in Finland.

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