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Sectional Differences When the Era of Good Feelings has ended…

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1 Sectional Differences When the Era of Good Feelings has ended…

2 The Missouri Compromise Slavery has not been an issue since Constitutional Convention By 1820, there were an equal number of free and slave states. Abolitionist movement growing. Missouri & Maine will be admitted at the same time. Line drawn at Missouri to determine future of slavery. 36° 30´ latitude line.

3 Industrial Revolution Begins in England Textiles Steam Power Iron Manufacture Interchangeable Parts Eli Whitney Mass Production

4 Industrial Revolution Lowell System Modern Factory Highly organized

5 The North Societal Changes Owners of Industry Laborers First Unions Develop Anti-slavery Movement Emancipation

6 The South Based on Agriculture Plantation Owners Planters Farmers Slaves “The Necessary Evil”

7 King Cotton

8 Sectional Differences Differing views on: Land Free land vs Market Value Tariffs Slavery

9 The American System High Tariff National Bank System of Internal Improvements Roads Bridges Canals Settling of Western Lands Promoted by Clay & Calhoun

10 Transportation National Road Conestogas Erie Canal Railroad building to begin soon.

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