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Defining CIs and their regional differences: what’s in and what’s out? Lau Schulpen - CIDIN.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining CIs and their regional differences: what’s in and what’s out? Lau Schulpen - CIDIN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining CIs and their regional differences: what’s in and what’s out? Lau Schulpen - CIDIN

2 CI = small-scale initiatives or projects, set up by private persons in the North, aiming at the improvement of the living standards of people in the global South, and not sorting under the official development cooperation or cooperation through established NGDOs, corporations or societal institutions

3 Two central questions Do we need to distinguish CIs from other actors? What are ‘dividing lines’ of CIs?

4 Dividing lines (aka characteristics) 1.Small scale: budget, staff, countries, number of activities 2.Volunteers 3.Type of activities 4.Legal status 5.Dependence on official funding 6.Goal – development cooperation or broader 7.???

5 Two central questions Do we need to distinguish CIs from other actors? What are ‘dividing lines’ of CIs?

6 Philanteral channel 1. (Semi) government 2. Social institutions IC is main purpose 4. Foundations 5. Individual supporters IC is not main purpose 6. Private Initiatives (= CI) 2. Fund raisers 3. Volunteers 1. Political lobby groups 3. Companies

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