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Warning: Graphic Material

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1 Warning: Graphic Material
Nazi Medicine Warning: Graphic Material

2 Nazi Eugenics “Racial Cleansing” Aryan Race What is “Aryan”?
Accounts of forced “mating” between Aryan women and Nazi officers/military men

3 Sterilization Who was the first country to legislate forced sterilization? The United States!!! -Blind, mentally challenged, incarcerated, epileptic, deaf, Native Americans…over 65,000 in 33 states

4 Nazi Sterilization Doctors had to report patients to be sterilized with the following: -Mentally challenged -blind, deaf, physically deformed -Schizophrenia, Epileptic -Alcoholism -Huntington’s Chorea (genetic brain disorder) -over 400,000 were Sterilized during WWII

5 The Stats for N.J. 2007 On average: $10,077 per student
$16,081 w/ disability (almost 2X as much) $42,000-75,000 severe disabilities (4 to 7X as much) Medicaid: $2,221 child/year $10,440 adult/year Average-$3.3 Billion a year in N.J. alone!

6 Euthanasia Over 70,000 Euthanized during WWII
-Babies born with birth defects -Patients in institutions -Lethal injection given by nurses and doctors or gassed

7 Medical Experiments Often done for military purposes: 1. Freezing
2. Heating 3. Genetics-Twins

8 Who are Roma & Sinti gypsies?
Dr. Joseph Mengele The most notorious of these physicians was Dr. Josef Mengele, who worked in Auschwitz.  Pressure chambers, testing drugs on them, freezing them, attempting to change eye color with chemical injections into children's eyes and various amputations The doctor's seemed particularly keen on working with Roma Children.  They would bring them sweets and toys and bring them personally to the gas chambers and watch them die.  Who are Roma & Sinti gypsies?

9 I Have No Idea How to Title This One…
I’m just going to give you examples…

10 Terms to Know Judenrat: Jewish council ran the ghettos
Kapos: Prisoner police force (usually convicts0 Sonderkommando: Prisoners who helped the killing process

11 Do You Still Use The Cure for Cancer?????
One More Time… Do You Still Use The Cure for Cancer?????

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