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Welcome BIOLOGY 2401-089 Fundaments of Anatomy and Physiology Spring, 2013 Mrs. Willie Grant, Instructor (210)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome BIOLOGY 2401-089 Fundaments of Anatomy and Physiology Spring, 2013 Mrs. Willie Grant, Instructor (210)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome BIOLOGY 2401-089 Fundaments of Anatomy and Physiology Spring, 2013 Mrs. Willie Grant, Instructor (210) 486-2370

2 Textbook Course Content: Chapters 1 – 18.

3 MASTERING A&P Mastering A&P is Pearson’s online tutorial and homework program that accompanies your textbook. You may register at: The Course ID for this class is: MAPGRANT83738

4 Learning Outcomes Subject Matter The Learning Outcomes for each chapter are important. Students should review these before and after reading the chapters and evaluation their own understanding. The Learning Outcomes for each student are also important. After the completion of Anatomy and Physiology I lecture, students should have accomplished the Learning Outcomes listed in the syllabus. Anatomy and Physiology I is designed to instruct students in the study and functions of the human body. Topics to be covered include: Anatomical terms Cell structure and function The different types of tissues The Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous and Endocrine systems

5 Methods of Measurement The mastery of the subject will be measured by the average of Lecture exams (50%: 45% Exams/5% Case Study) Lab exams (30%) Comprehensive final examination (20%).

6 Tentative Exam Schedule Final Grade Determination Exam Material CoveredTentative Exam Date 1Chapters 1 and 2February 16, 2013 2Chapters 3, 4, 5March 2, 2013 3Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9March 23, 2013 4Chapters 10 and 11April 13, 2013 5 Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16May 4, 2013 FINALChapters 1 - 18May 18, 2013 FINAL GRADE DETERMINATION 90-100%A 80-89%B 70-79%C 60-69%D Below 60%F

7 About the Exams There are NO make-up lecture exams. One lecture grade will be dropped. There will be one take-home exam. This exam will be given out at the end of class on one week and must be completed and turned in at the beginning of class the following week. Failure to turn in this exam on its due date will cause points to be deducted.

8 About the Exams You will be allowed only ONE make-up exam for the laboratory exams. This make-up must be approved by instructor and scheduled to be taken before the next laboratory exam. Failure to make-up the exam will result in a zero being given for that exam.

9 Attendance Attendance is important. You must attend both the lectures and labs. You will be allowed a total of four (4) lecture/lab combinations during the semester before you are dropped. If you do not attend the first week of class (Saturday class), you will be dropped. If you stop attending class, you should contact the instructor and college registrar to officially withdraw from class. Be mindful of the rules covering the number of drops you are allowed. The last day to withdraw this semester is: April 19, 2013.

10 Additional Class Instructions ACCESS TO MASTERING A&P: Register with Mastering A&P the Pearson website for students using the 9 th edition of Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology. Our Course is Biol 2401-009. The access code for this course is MAPGRANT83738 READING QUIZZES: Reading Quizzes for each chapter for each lecture exam (to be used as review) are available in Mastering A&P. These may be completed and for 1-18 three points will be given; 7-12 two points and 1-6 one point). These points will be added to your lecture exam average.

11 Additional Class Instructions CASE STUDY: For five (5) percent of the lecture grade, students will complete a Case Study. This semester we will use the Case Study, “The 2000-meter Row: A Case in Homeostasis” by Nathan Strong. We will work throughout this semester on the case study and end our study with a full-class discussion of what we learned. The completed case study will be due on May 11, 2013. Details for completing this case study can be found within the course and will be explained.

12 Additional Class Instructions DVDs: DVDs for Biol 2401 lab are available to view in the St. Philip’s library and they are available for purchase in the Bursar’s Office at the cost of $15.00 ($25.00 for Biol 2402 also). DVDs may be picked up in the Byrd Sanctuary (tutoring lab). Check for operation hours. STUDY GUIDES: Study Guides for this class are also available. A minimum of three (3) Study Guides may be completed for three (3) points to be added to the Final Examination grade at the end of the semester. For each additional Study Guide completed and additional point will be added. The completed Study Guides and Study Guide Evaluation Sheet are due on the day of the Final Examination—May 18, 2013. Please place work in a folder.

13 Additional Class Instructions LECTURE NOTES and LAB NOTES: Lecture Notes and Lab Notes are available online at Lecture Notes Lab Notes BYRD SANCTUARY (Tutoring Lab): The Byrd Sanctuary is available for additional tutoring and study. You may review the models and get one-on- one instruction. Check for the operation hours.

14 College Policies COLLEGE POLICIES: (added by individual college) A. All of the Alamo Colleges are tobacco free. B. Alamo Colleges DPS Emergency Phone Numbers: Emergency Phone (210) 222-0911 General Phone (210) 485-0099 Weather Phone(210) 485-0189 (For information on college closures)

15 Special Accommodations ADA Statement for Students Requiring SpecialAccommodations In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, it is the responsibility of the student to self-identify with the campus Disability Resource Center. Only those students with appropriate documentation will receive a Letter of Accommodation from the Disability Resource Center office. Instructors are required to follow only those accommodations and/or services outlined in the Letter of Accommodation. For further information, please contact the St. Philip’s College Disability Resource Center at (210) 486-2474 or visit the office located in the Sutton Learning Center, Rm. 103B. If you have specific needs, please discuss them privately with your instructor.

16 Welcome I am not on campus during the week, but you may contact me by e-mail at: Leave a message for me at: (210) 486 2370 Please let me know ASAP when you have any type of problem. If If I do not know the answer, I will try to find someone who does. Have a GREAT semester and learn something about anatomy and physiology as well as about yourself. It will be fun.

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