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OCW Secondary Education May 3, 2006 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education.

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Presentation on theme: "OCW Secondary Education May 3, 2006 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCW Secondary Education May 3, 2006 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education

2 OCW Secondary Education 1 I.What is OCW SE? II.Goals III.Proposed Scope IV.What makes OCW SE unique? V.Project Timeline VI.Budget and Funding 1OCW Secondary Education

3 2 What is OCW SE? › Project applying OCW’s model to mathematics, science and engineering resources for grade 7-12 students and educators › Materials would combine existing content from MIT outreach programs and new content from leading educators › General framework of OCW SE is defined - open source publishing – however, we are still evaluating  “Course" content  Marketing and outreach  Dissemination  Relationship to other efforts at MIT and nationally

4 OCW Secondary Education 3 Goals › Provide free, open access to high quality educational resources in STEM fields for grade 7-12 educators and students › Increase the number of students pursuing higher education in STEM fields › Make students more aware of the exciting opportunities in STEM career fields

5 OCW Secondary Education 4 › 20-30 “best of” math, science and engineering secondary education “courses” (or units of instruction for 20-30 courses)  Interactive learning communities  Video of “best of” high school educators  Innovative multimedia applications  Hands-on activities › Teachers in residence program with potential funding for teacher sabbaticals › Certificate programs in areas of science, math, and engineering › Annual recognition event at MIT bringing together top secondary education instructors and MIT faculty Proposed Scope

6 OCW Secondary Education 5 › Focus on showing the applications of science and math, especially their integration within engineering › Hands on, project based approach that differs from traditional lectures › Comprehensive resource, differing from the more fragmented and superficial resources currently available › Provides teachers with quality, standards linked materials that carry the MIT brand What makes OCW SE unique?

7 OCW Secondary Education 6 Project Timeline

8 OCW Secondary Education 7 Budget and Funding › Phase 1: Discovery and Design ($100K)  School of Engineering ($50K) and MIT OCW ($50K). OCW’s funding was provided using a $50K award from The Tech Museum of Innovation. › Phase 2: Pilot (~$250-500K)  Proposal submitted to the Kabcenell and Lord Foundations  Publication of existing materials from one high quality high school level course in a science discipline, which will be structured using the OCW course format  Publication of existing materials for one high quality high school level course in mathematics, which will be structured using the OCW course format  Development of a new high school level project based, one semester, engineering course › Phases 3: Expansion (~$40 - $100M?)  Level of corporate funding not yet decided. $1M/year, $500K/year for five years?  Level of input/branding determined by level of giving?  Individuals, Foundations, Government?  Engaging MIT Foundation Relations

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