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A GOOD CHILDHOOD Policy issues raised as part of TCS’s ‘Good Childhood’ project Training child care professionals (Cel. Ch.) Christian Theological reflection.

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Presentation on theme: "A GOOD CHILDHOOD Policy issues raised as part of TCS’s ‘Good Childhood’ project Training child care professionals (Cel. Ch.) Christian Theological reflection."— Presentation transcript:

1 A GOOD CHILDHOOD Policy issues raised as part of TCS’s ‘Good Childhood’ project Training child care professionals (Cel. Ch.) Christian Theological reflection & education Public campaigning A campaign and movement to rediscover a good childhood undertaken by a coalition of organisations, individuals and faith groups Other faith reflections

2 The training brief of Church of England Archbishop’s Officer for Evangelism among children: TRICS (Training and Research in Children’s Strategy) set up to identify the core values and competencies needed by children’s workers and to develop a curriculum leading to a first degree in Children’s Ministry (CYM & SJN*) * Centre for Youth Ministry and St John’s Nottingham Child Theology Movement is a relatively new international development. It is based in Malaysia and Haddon Willmer is a Trustee. Other initiatives and developments

3 Holistic Child Development Masters Course is also based in Malaysia and is teaching students from 20 nations on a distance learning basis, about to spread to Latin America and Eastern Europe Children’s Trusts are new in the UK currently being rolled out in Pathfinder Boroughs. Bringing health, education and social welfare of children together for the first time ever. NVQ Level 3 requirement altho’ not yet mandatory for all children’s workers, it is likely to become so soon.

4 Next steps for the Celebrating Children Course Seeking accreditation with ABC as an NVQ Level 3 qualification. 50 hours. Opportunity exists to deliver the course over a one week period taught by Jo Wright and Keith White later this year. Filmed, possibly to be used as a basis for distance learning. You can be part of this!

5 The opportunity will be available later this year. You can register your interest by going to: and emailing

6 In small groups, discuss what commitments and resources for the development of Celebrating Children can you, as members of the Forum, bring to the table?

7 All papers from today’s Forum will be found on within the next two days.

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