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Chemistry of Life Organic Compounds 4-Tab Foldable For Note Taking When finished don’t forget to color your foldable. Make sure to have a color scheme.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry of Life Organic Compounds 4-Tab Foldable For Note Taking When finished don’t forget to color your foldable. Make sure to have a color scheme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry of Life Organic Compounds 4-Tab Foldable For Note Taking When finished don’t forget to color your foldable. Make sure to have a color scheme for each compound. a Glue-in or draw an example of each Macromolecule of each.

2 Carbohydrates Elements Present Used by organisms for... Building Block Related Terms & Info carbon hydrogen oxygen C:H:O =1: 2 : 1 always ! energy structure Monosaccha- rides (simple sugars) ex: glucoseglucose C 6 H 12 O 6 disaccharide = 2 connected (ex. sucrose) monosaccharide (ex: maltose) polysaccharide 3 or more connected monosaccharides (ex: starch, glycogen, chitin, cellulose)

3 Proteins amino acids Elements PresentUsed by organisms for...Related Terms & Info carbon hydrogen oxygen NITROGEN (always those 4) sulfur (possibly) structure & movement (muscles) enzymes antibodies hormones pigments peptide bond = the bond that holds amino acids together in protein molecules dipeptide bond = two connected amino acids polypeptide bond = 3 or more connected amino acids Building Block of Proteins:

4 Lipids fatty acid : glycerol : Elements Present Used by Organisms for... Related Terms & Info Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen ONLY ! There is no specific ratio. Stored Energy Structure (important part of cell membranes) saturated fat = C-C bonds are all single bonds, animal, solid at room temperature. unsaturated fat = contain at least one double or triple C-C bond, liquid at room temperature trans fat = liquid with air in it, hard to digest in the body, hydrogenised fats. Building Blocks of Lipids

5 Nucleic Acids DNARNA FULL NAME Deoxyribonucleic acidRibonucleic acid BASIC STRUCTURE 2 long twisting strands of nucleotides in the form of a "double helix" 1 single strand of nucleotides NUCLEOTIDE SUGAR DeoxyriboseRibose NITROGENOUS BASES guanine (G) cytosine (C) adenine (A) thymine (T) guanine (G) cytosine (C) adenine (A) uracil (U) LOCATION IN A CELL Nucleus (the chromosomes) Nucleus, in the cytoplasm, & at the ribosomes FUNCTION the hereditary material of a cell, directs & controls cell activities involved in protein synthesis

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