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Introducing… Champion? What makes a Champion? Hard WorkHard Work DedicationDedication IntegrityIntegrity And the ability to make good…And the ability.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing… Champion? What makes a Champion? Hard WorkHard Work DedicationDedication IntegrityIntegrity And the ability to make good…And the ability."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introducing…

3 Champion? What makes a Champion? Hard WorkHard Work DedicationDedication IntegrityIntegrity And the ability to make good…And the ability to make good…ChoicesDecisions and Connections

4 Central High School Charger Champion Program Commitment I want to participate in the Charger Champion Program. To show my commitment I agree to…

5 Central High School Charger Champion Program Commitment I want to participate in the Charger Champion Program. To show my commitment I agree to… Attend the training retreat (June or August)Attend the training retreat (June or August)

6 Central High School Charger Champion Program Commitment I want to participate in the Charger Champion Program. To show my commitment I agree to… Attend the training retreat (June or August)Attend the training retreat (June or August) Attend Fish Camp training Aug.13 and Fish Camp Aug.14&15Attend Fish Camp training Aug.13 and Fish Camp Aug.14&15

7 Central High School Charger Champion Program Commitment I want to participate in the Charger Champion Program. To show my commitment I agree to… Attend the training retreat (June or August)Attend the training retreat (June or August) Attend Fish Camp training Aug.13 and Fish Camp Aug.14&15Attend Fish Camp training Aug.13 and Fish Camp Aug.14&15 Attend at least one meeting per month.Attend at least one meeting per month.

8 Central High School Charger Champion Program Commitment I want to participate in the Charger Champion Program. To show my commitment I agree to… Attend the training retreat (June or August)Attend the training retreat (June or August) Attend Fish Camp training Aug.13 and Fish Camp Aug.14&15Attend Fish Camp training Aug.13 and Fish Camp Aug.14&15 Attend at least one meeting per month.Attend at least one meeting per month. Assist with at least one Champion event per quarter.Assist with at least one Champion event per quarter.

9 Central High School Charger Champion Program Commitment I want to participate in the Charger Champion Program. To show my commitment I agree to… Attend the training retreat (June or August)Attend the training retreat (June or August) Attend Fish Camp training Aug.13 and Fish Camp Aug.14&15Attend Fish Camp training Aug.13 and Fish Camp Aug.14&15 Attend at least one meeting per month.Attend at least one meeting per month. Assist with at least one Champion event per quarter.Assist with at least one Champion event per quarter. Assist in meeting the program goals by choosing for myself a Champion role at Central High School and following through with that commitment.Assist in meeting the program goals by choosing for myself a Champion role at Central High School and following through with that commitment.

10 You don’t have to be better than all of the rest, but every day you had better be bringing your best! ― Fabel

11 “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ― Dr. Seuss

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