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Rapid neutron reactors (RNR) by Pierre CLAUZON member of EFN - Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy 8th June 2010 This presentation is archived here :

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Presentation on theme: "Rapid neutron reactors (RNR) by Pierre CLAUZON member of EFN - Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy 8th June 2010 This presentation is archived here :"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rapid neutron reactors (RNR) by Pierre CLAUZON member of EFN - Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy 8th June 2010 This presentation is archived here : French version of this presentation :

2 Georges Vendryès, former Director of Atomic reactors at CEA

3 Pierre Zaleski

4 Summary 1Physics and economical considerations 2The adventure of RNR in France : the learning phase Rapsodie Phénix (300 Mwe) Superphénix (1300 Mwe) 3 The future with Astrid, and foreign projects

5 To produce 1MW during 24 hours : you can burn 1,4 tonne of coal or 1 g of Uranium (fission) or 0.3 gram of hydrogène (fusion)

6 Binding energy


8 RAPSODIE (test reactor in Cadarache)

9 PHENIX (300 MWe reactor in Marcoule)

10 Phenix (diagram)

11 PHENIX (integrated reactor)

12 PHENIX (fuel element)

13 PHENIX (arrangement of fuel rods)

14 PHENIX (bottom bed)

15 SUPERPHENIX (1300 MWe in Creys-Malville)

16 SUPERPHENIX (Creys-Malville)

17 JOYO MONJU Japan Japan has 2 fast reactors, JOYO stopped since 2007 after technical incident, and MONJU, stopped since 1995, restarted in 2010. JSFR (Japanese Sodium Fast Reactor will be the most advanced model of RNR in Japan (4 th géeneration) JSFR compact reactor Vessel Intermediate exchanger and primary pump Short circuits Steam generator Secundary pump

18 The Russian RNR family BN-600 BN-800 BR 10 BOR-60 BN-350

19 Beloyarsk NPP View of BN-800 site

20 Inde - FBTR, a copy of Rapsodie, is in operation since 1985 with carbure fuel elements. - PFBR, 500 Mwe, inspired from EFR, is in construction to diverge in 2010 ; it is the first of 3 similar reactors to be built on the same site.

21 China’s sodium reactor : CEFR CEFR reactor building Work on the CEFR in October 2008 China has a small sodium rapid neutron reactor, 65 MWth, inspired by BOR 60, expected to diverge in 2010.

22 CONCLUSION Inscribed on the JOYO reactor (transmitted by G. Vendryès) A quote from Seneca (Greek philosopher): « Veniet tempus, quo posteri tam aperta nos nescisse mirentur » « Time will come when our descendents will be surprised that we have missed such simple evidence »

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