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Cells And Cytology.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells And Cytology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells And Cytology

2 Cell Size

3 Prokaryotic

4 Eukaryotic

5 Plant and Animal Cell Models

6 Mammalian Cell Regions

7 Major Cell Parts Plasma Membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm Cytosol Organelles
Membranous Nonmembranous

8 Nucleus

9 Nuclear Membrane

10 Chromatin and Chromosomes

11 DNA

12 Mitosis (Nuclear Division) Events


14 Cheek Smear and CSI

15 Cell Cycle

16 Meiosis

17 Meiosis Histology

18 Meiosis in Reproduction

19 Cytosol


21 Organelles

22 Endoplasmic Reticulum

23 R.E.R.

24 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

25 S.E.R.

26 R.E.R. and S.E.R. compared

27 Mitochondria

28 Mitochondria Structure

29 Golgi

30 Lysosome Source

31 Lysosomes

32 Peroxisomes

33 Organelle Functions

34 Cytoskeleton Filaments

35 Microfilament and Microtubule

36 Microtubules

37 Cilia and Flagella Structure

38 Cilia

39 9 + 2 Arrangement of Microtubules

40 Cilia Examples

41 Flagella Structure

42 Flagella Examples Bacteria Human Sperm Algae

43 Microvilli

44 Nucleolus

45 Ribosomes

46 Plasma Membrane

47 Fluid Compartments: ECF & ICF

48 Phospholipid Bilayer

49 Cholesterol

50 Proteins

51 Membrane Protein Function

52 Passive Membrane Transport
Diffusion Solutes Simple Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Carrier Mediated Channel Mediated Water Osmosis Tonicity Osmotic Pressure Filtration

53 Simple Diffusion

54 Facilitated Diffusion

55 Solute Movement (animation)

56 ECF and ICF

57 Electrolytes

58 Osmosis

59 Tonicity

60 Tonicity and Animal Cells

61 Hypotonic Solutions (animation)

62 Water Movement (animation)

63 Hypertonic Solutions (animation)

64 Water Movement (animation)

65 Osmotic Pressure

66 Fluid Movement between ICF & ECF

67 Active Membrane Transport
Primary Active Solute Pumps (Na+ / K+) Secondary Active Co-transport Bulk Exocytosis Endocytosis Phagocytosis Receptor Mediated

68 ATP

69 Sodium Potassium Pump

70 Na+ / K+ Steps 1 2 3 4

71 Na+ / K+ End Result

72 Na+ / K+ Pump (animation)

73 Importance of Na+ / K+ pump
animation Resting and Transmembrane Potential

74 Exocytosis

75 Endocytosis

76 Phagocytosis

77 DNA Structure

78 DNA Replication

79 DNA Base Pairing

80 mRNA

81 Transcription

82 rRNA

83 tRNA

84 DNA and RNA compared

85 Translation

86 Protein Synthesis Summary

87 Protein Structure Primary Sequence of amino acids
Secondary Hydrogen Bond Foldings Tertiary Interactions with R group Quaterinary Interactions with other proteins

88 DNA Damage

89 Stem Cells

90 Questions?

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