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Microeconomics Corso E John Hey. Summary of Chapter 8 The contract curve shows the allocations that are efficient in the sense of Pareto. There always.

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Presentation on theme: "Microeconomics Corso E John Hey. Summary of Chapter 8 The contract curve shows the allocations that are efficient in the sense of Pareto. There always."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microeconomics Corso E John Hey

2 Summary of Chapter 8 The contract curve shows the allocations that are efficient in the sense of Pareto. There always exist the possibility of mutually advantageous exchange if preferences are different and/or endowments are different (unless the endowment point is on the contract curve). Perfect competitive equilibrium (with both individuals taking the price as given) always leads to a Pareto efficient allocation. If one of the individuals chooses the price the allocation is not Pareto efficient.


4 The competitive equilibrium depends on the preferences and the endowments. If one individual changes his or her preferences in such a way that he or she now prefers more a particular good than before...... the relative price of that good rises. If an individual is endowed with more of a good than before...... the relative price of that good falls.

5 Part 1 and Part 2 Part 1: an economy without production...... just exchange Part 2: an economy with production...... production and exchange.

6 Part 1 Reservation prices. Indifference curves. Demand and supply curves. Surplus. Exchange. The Edgeworth Box. The contract curve. Competitive equilibrium. Paretian efficiency and inefficiency.

7 Part 2 Chapter 10: Technology. Chapter 11: Minimisation of costs and factor demands. Chapter 12: Cost curves. Chapter 13: Firm’s supply and profit/surplus. Chapter 14: The production possibility frontier. Chapter 15: Production and exchange.

8 Chapter 10 Firms produce......they use inputs to produce outputs. In general many inputs and many outputs. We work with a simple firm that produces one output with two and labour. The technology describes the possibilities open to the firm.

9 Chapter 5 Chapter 10 Individuals Buy goods and ‘produce’ utility… …depends on the preferences… …which we can represent with indifference curves.. …in the space (q 1,q 2 ) Firms Buy inputs and produce output… …depends on the technology… …which we can represent with isoquants.. …in the space (q 1,q 2 )

10 The only difference? We can represent preferences with a utility function...... but this function is not unique...... because/hence we cannot measure the utility of an individual. We can represent the technology of a firm with a production function...... and this function is unique… …because we can measure the output.

11 An isoquant In the space of the inputs (q 1,q 2 ) it is the locus of the points where output is constant. (An indifference curve – the locus of the points where the individual is indifferent. Or the locus of points for which the utility is constant.)

12 Two dimensions The shape of the isoquants: depends on the substitution between the two inputs. The way in which the output changes form one isoquant to another – depends on the returns to scale.

13 Perfect substitutes 1:1 an isoquant: q 1 + q 2 = constant y = A(q 1 + q 2 ) constant returns to scale y = A(q 1 + q 2 ) 0.5 decreasing returns to scale y = A(q 1 + q 2 ) 2 increasing returns to scale y = A(q 1 + q 2 ) b returns to scale decreasing (b 1)

14 y = q 1 + q 2 : perfect substitutes 1:1 and constant returns to scale

15 y = (q 1 + q 2 ) 2 : perfect substitutes 1:1 and increasing returns to scale

16 y = (q 1 + q 2 ) 0.5 : perfect substitutes 1:1 and decreasing returns to scale

17 Perfect Substitutes 1:a an isoquant: q 1 + q 2 /a = constant y = A(q 1 + q 2 /a) constant returns to scale y = A(q 1 + q 2 /a) b returns to scale decreasing (b 1)

18 Perfect Complements 1 with 1 an isoquant: min(q 1,q 2 ) = constant y = A min(q 1,q 2 ) constant returns to scale y = A[min(q 1,q 2 )] b returns to scale decreasing (b 1)

19 y = min(q 1, q 2 ): Perfect Complements 1 with 1 and constant returns to scale

20 y = [min(q 1, q 2 )] 2 Perfect Complements 1 with 1 and increasing returns to scale

21 Y = [min(q 1, q 2 )] 0.5 : Perfect Complements 1 with 1 and decreasing returns to scale

22 Perfect Complements 1 with a an isoquant: min(q 1,q 2 /a) = constant y = A min(q 1,q 2 /a) constant returns to scale y = A[min(q 1,q 2 /a)] b returns to scale decreasing (b 1)

23 y = q 1 0.5 q 2 0.5 : Cobb-Douglas with parameters 0.5 and 0.5 – hence constant returns to scale

24 y = q 1 q 2 : Cobb-Douglas with parameters 1 and 1 – hence increasing returns to scale

25 y = q 1 0.25 q 2 0.25 : Cobb-Douglas with parameters 0.25 and 0.25 – hence decreasing returns to scale

26 Cobb-Douglas with parameters a and b an isoquant: q 1 a q 2 b = constant y = A q 1 a q 2 b a+b<1 decreasing returns to scale a+b=1 constant returns to scale a+b>1 increasing returns to scale

27 Chapter 5 Chapter 10 Individuals The preferences are given by indifference curves …in the space (q 1,q 2 ).. can be represented by a utility function u = f(q 1,q 2 )… …which is not unique. Firms The technology is given by isoquants …in the space (q 1,q 2 )..can be represented by a production function … y = f(q 1,q 2 )… … which is unique.

28 Chapter 10 Goodbye!


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