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Issues for Voting. Voting Procedure Revision of Confederation Fees Confederation fees based on number of members has proven difficult to implement Proposal:

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Presentation on theme: "Issues for Voting. Voting Procedure Revision of Confederation Fees Confederation fees based on number of members has proven difficult to implement Proposal:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Issues for Voting

2 Voting Procedure

3 Revision of Confederation Fees Confederation fees based on number of members has proven difficult to implement Proposal: revise confederation fees to be based on amount of address space allocated –Fees only applied when allocation made and on the address space allocated at that time –Sizes self determined

4 Removal of Self Determinacy Self-determinacy has proven to result in complexity in estimating APNIC’s income APNIC is seeing significant movement from Large/Medium to Small –Movement may impact APNIC’s operating budget in the future Proposals: –flat fee –fee based on amount of address space allocated

5 Maintenance Fees for Terminated Members APNIC has seen several occurrences of organizations joining APNIC then quitting in order to avoid the non-member fees –Implication is the APNIC membership is left to support the cost of database maintenance Proposal: –APNIC will apply a non-member maintenance fee to members who terminate their membership

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