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CHAPTER 3 SECTION 1 LIFE IN THE NEW NATION. AMERICA’S POPULATION Between 1780-1830-the population increased by 10 million. Most families had 5 children.

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2 AMERICA’S POPULATION Between 1780-1830-the population increased by 10 million. Most families had 5 children each. ½ the population was under 17.

3 TERRITORIAL EXPANSION Many families moved north of the Ohio River (Northwest Territory). No slavery, but settlers didn’t want free blacks there b/c of competition, so made laws to discourage it. Native Americans lost their lands to the government in treaties and were forced west of the Miss. River.

4 Florida Many settlers moved to Florida. Florida belonged to Spain, but Spain wasn’t paying attention to settlers. Seminole attacked settlers and let escaped slaves live w/them. General Jackson was in charge of protecting settlers in Florida. Veteran of War of 1812. Jackson invaded Florida and claimed it for the United States. Signed the Adams-Onis Treaty.

5 ADAMS-ONIS TREATY Spain gave up Florida. Gave up the Pacific Northwest. Decided on border of Louisiana Purchase and gave up Texas. United States stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

6 TEXAS Texas belonged to Mexico (Mexico gained independence from Spain 1821) In 1822 settlers began moving to TX. By 1835-30,000 immigrants lived in TX. Americans demanded more rights from Mexico. Santa Anna declared himself a dictator and took Texas self-government away, Texas decided to rebel.

7 TEXAS INDEPENDENCE In Feb. 1836, Santa Anna reached the Alamo. Santa Anna killed most of the Texans. Santa Anna ordered the killing of 300 prisoners at Goliad. On March 2, 1836-Republic of Texas formed. Texas defeated Mexico at San Jacinto. Sam Houston first president of Texas.

8 Oregon Country Some settlers headed to Oregon Country (Northern CA to Alaska) Joint occupation with British. Most Americans there were fur traders. 1842-Wagon trains across the Oregon Trail looking for trade or land. Treaty of 1846-US and Great Britain split land on 49 th parallel. Mormons moved to Utah for religious freedom.

9 SPIRIT OF IMPROVEMENT Americans believed the general condition of human kind could be improved through education. Noah Webster created the first major dictionary in America. Went to school for academics as well as REPUBLICAN VIRTUES-self-reliance, industry, frugality, harmony, and sacrifice of individual needs for that of the community.

10 ROLE OF WOMEN Women were to model and teach the Republican Virtues to the men. Schools starting opening female departments for teaching virtues to women.

11 INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION An ongoing effort to increase production by using machines powered by sources other than men or animals. Steam engine- James Watts Textile Mills-Samuel Slater. Interchangeable parts-Eli Whitney-all parts made to exact standard. Cotton gin- Eli Whitney-separates seeds from cotton fibers.

12 TRANSPORTATION STEAM POWER-steamboats could travel against current CANALS-artificial waterways, easy and cheap to carry goods. ROADS- RAILROADS-By 1840, more railway than any other country.


14 SECOND GREAT AWAKENING Early 1800s among Protestant Christians. Democratic-anyone rich or poor could win salvation. People of church more significant than the ministers. Revivals-brought back religious life. Sub-groups formed-Baptists grew to 2 nd largest denomination. Methodists, Unitarians, Mormons Included whites and blacks. Sang spirituals As tensions grew, African Americans started own churches.

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