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Electronic Information System for Civil Registration and Administrative Services European eGovernment Conference 2003 7-8 July, Como, Italy Toma Bussarov.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Information System for Civil Registration and Administrative Services European eGovernment Conference 2003 7-8 July, Como, Italy Toma Bussarov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Information System for Civil Registration and Administrative Services European eGovernment Conference 2003 7-8 July, Como, Italy Toma Bussarov Department of Civil Registration and Administrative Services, Bulgaria

2 Civil Registration and Administrative Services Bulgaria Introduction   The Information System for Civil Registration and Administrative Services (CRAS) is a centralized store for personal data of all Bulgarian citizens  Citizen identification is done using Personal IDs (similar to SSN)  Stored data include names, addresses, marital status, parentage, relatives, etc.

3 Civil Registration and Administrative Services Bulgaria CRAS - A Backward Glance  1978 – Foundation  1994 – Regional storages unified in one –Implemented on IBM mainframe –Access to data WAN connections and terminal programs with limited functionality WAN connections and terminal programs with limited functionality Expensive and unreliable Expensive and unreliable Accompanied by number of difficulties Accompanied by number of difficulties  2000 – CRAS Internet infrastructure set-up

4 Civil Registration and Administrative Services Bulgaria The CRAS Reengineering Project …  The new CRAS system started April 2001  Provides eServices –Web access to stored personal data –Web access to Election Rolls  Built on modern technologies – PKI, SSL encryption, digital certificates, Internet enabled, reliable & high-performance development tools and platforms, etc.

5 Civil Registration and Administrative Services Bulgaria Web access to stored personal data e-Service  Extended and enriched functionality  Contributes to borderless government –Government employees at any level could access stored data In a fast, reliable and cost effective way In a fast, reliable and cost effective way Using only browser and smart card Using only browser and smart card With no paper work With no paper work Retrieve generalized and statistical data Retrieve generalized and statistical data

6 Civil Registration and Administrative Services Bulgaria Web access to stored personal data e-Service (cont.)  Lowered Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)  More than 70 Local Authorities have access, serving about 5.2 million people  Government administrations are automatically notified for citizens’ personal data changes

7 Civil Registration and Administrative Services Bulgaria Web access to Election Rolls eService  Started for elections in October 2001  No other similar services  All Bulgarian citizens could check quickly their data in the election rolls and to find their exact voting place via Internet  24x7 availability

8 Civil Registration and Administrative Services Bulgaria Future plans  The CRAS system is going to establish as a central personal data repository  Play central role in new eGov project by providing data using XML schemas  Some Local Authorities started projects targeting one-stop shopping using integration with CRAS eServices  Provide new widely accessible eServices

9 Civil Registration and Administrative Services Bulgaria Conclusion  The CRAS department was distinguished as leading in the field of eServices in Bulgaria  The eServices provided by CRAS promote borderless government and Central-Local government cooperation in a new way –Local authorities using CRAS services serve more than 65% of Bulgarian population

10 Civil Registration and Administrative Services Bulgaria Q&AQ&AQ&AQ&A Toma Bussarov

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