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All Things Roman Pick the box, read the question and answer the question… easy…

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1 All Things Roman Pick the box, read the question and answer the question… easy…

2 History GodsGoddessesRandom 100 200 300 400 500

3 YES!

4 Anyone else? NO…

5 1. What month represented the beginning of the year for Romans 1.JanuaryJanuary 2.FebruaryFebruary 3.MarchMarch 4.AprilApril

6 5. How many months in the Roman calendar 1.88 2.1010 3.1212 4.1 month per year.1 month per year

7 4. Under Augustus’ reign, how many days were holidays? 1.2020 2.100100 3.7070 4.115115

8 3. What did F stand for on the Roman Calendar 1.Fancy Dress Day- Romans wore their finest garmentsFancy Dress Day- Romans wore their finest garments 2.Feast Day- Emperors birthdayFeast Day- Emperors birthday 3.Fastus- No law courts or assembliesFastus- No law courts or assemblies 4.Familliar Day- Rome's version of random acts of kindness dayFamilliar Day- Rome's version of random acts of kindness day

9 2. Who established the 12 month calendar 1.Romulus and RemusRomulus and Remus 2.The Pontifix MaximusThe Pontifix Maximus 3.Julius CaesarJulius Caesar 4.AugustusAugustus

10 1. What happened in the October Equus festival 1.A chariot race in which the winner was sacrificedA chariot race in which the winner was sacrificed 2.A chariot was burned in sacrifice to MarsA chariot was burned in sacrifice to Mars 3.There was a huge horse race all around RomeThere was a huge horse race all around Rome 4.Newborn foals were celebratedNewborn foals were celebrated

11 3. The Parentalia was dedicated to… 1.Ancestor spiritsAncestor spirits 2.The head of the householdThe head of the household 3.The Pater FamiliarThe Pater Familiar 4.Mothers and FathersMothers and Fathers

12 2. What was presented as an offering during the Parentalia 1.Baby cowsBaby cows 2.MilkMilk 3.Olive branchesOlive branches 4.WaterWater

13 4. What was the 10 month calendar based on 1.SeasonsSeasons 2.LunarLunar 3.SolarSolar 4.Priests CalculationsPriests Calculations

14 5. When were the Ides in March 1.5 th of March5 th of March 2.11 th of March11 th of March 3.15 th of March15 th of March 4.24 th of March24 th of March

15 1. Which Poet wrote the most of the information we resource today on festivals 1.TibullusTibullus 2.OvidOvid 3.CatullusCatullus 4.HoraceHorace

16 2. In which month was the sacred fire of Vesta renewed 1.JulyJuly 2.DecemberDecember 3.JanuaryJanuary 4.MarchMarch

17 3. The Bona Dea rites were exclusive to whom 1.MenMen 2.WomenWomen 3.SlavesSlaves 4.PoliticiansPoliticians

18 4. What did Augustus establish 1.Day of worship of all previous emperorsDay of worship of all previous emperors 2.Day of worship of last previous emperorDay of worship of last previous emperor 3.Celebration on emperors birthdayCelebration on emperors birthday 4.Day of worship for current emperor every monthDay of worship for current emperor every month

19 5. Who was worshipped in the Lupercalia 1.FaunusFaunus 2.MinervaMinerva 3.JunoJuno 4.LaresLares

20 Who made the salt cakes for the Lupercalia 1.PontificesPontifices 2.Emperor’s SlavesEmperor’s Slaves 3.Vestal VirginsVestal Virgins 4.Pontifix MaximusPontifix Maximus

21 2. What time of year is the Saturnalia festival 1.WinterWinter 2.SpringSpring 3.AutumnAutumn 4.SummerSummer

22 3. What happened to slaves during Saturnalia 1.They were set freeThey were set free 2.They were whipped dailyThey were whipped daily 3.They were exempt from punishmentThey were exempt from punishment 4.They were sent on dangerous missionsThey were sent on dangerous missions

23 4. The winter solstice was celebrated on the same day as 1.Modern ChristmasModern Christmas 2.Modern New YearsModern New Years 3.Ancient New YearsAncient New Years 4.SaturnaliaSaturnalia

24 5. Ops was of ____ origin 1.GreekGreek 2.EtruscanEtruscan 3.EasternEastern 4.SabineSabine

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