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MIT Sloan RIOS Research Infrastructure & Operational Support Envisioning & Enabling Systematic Empirical Observation of Effective Leaders, Transformative.

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Presentation on theme: "MIT Sloan RIOS Research Infrastructure & Operational Support Envisioning & Enabling Systematic Empirical Observation of Effective Leaders, Transformative."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIT Sloan RIOS Research Infrastructure & Operational Support Envisioning & Enabling Systematic Empirical Observation of Effective Leaders, Transformative Innovations, & Global Development Draft Proposal v.0.1 ~ 28 August 2003 Joost Bonsen ~ ~

2 RIOS = Research Leverage Maximally Leveraging Faculty Time Scaling Training in Research Methods, Integrated Interview Guides, Unifying Databases Staff Support, for formal & informal activities Structural Mechanisms

3 Staff & Support Personnel Research Support Staff –Central – statistics, websurveys E.g. Stats software support –Distributed – thematic E.g. Microphotonics Roadmapping Project Mgr Training Support Extracurricular Support –Clubs –Branded Events

4 Infra-Structural Mechanisms Masters Research Seminars Coordinated Special Projects Team UROPs Dean’s Research Fellows Course Connection Structured Theses

5 Masters Research Seminars (MRS) Aligning Masters student professional interest with Faculty Research Agenda through specific themed-seminars E.g. TRM – 15.795 Technology Roadmapping, Fall 2002, Professor Charlie Fine, TA Joost Bonsen Others? –TVO – Tech Venture Observatory –OSI – OpenSource Initiative –VCI – Virtual Customer Initiative –DA – Digital Anthropology

6 Coordinated Special Projects (CSP) Independent effort by individuals or teams of students around a sponsor or research theme of interest. E.g. Professors Gabriel Bitran, Rebecca Henderson…

7 Team UROPs Undergraduate researchers working in teams on unifying projects under the supervision of faculty, graduate students, and select alums E.g Diane Burton, Jay Forrester…

8 Dean’s Research Fellows (DRF) Well-paid, full & part-time Summer & IAP graduate researchers Prestigious position, coveted and very selective Rich collateral benefits for student and MIT

9 Sloan Course-Research Connections Weaving faculty research questions deeply into their academic courses, for example, with structured assignments and/or final projects. Typically requiring further work beyond classroom, after semester E.g. Professor Ed Roberts, Ely Dahan…

10 Structured Theses Masters theses aligned around over- arching faculty research themes Ultimately aggregated into publication E.g. Professors Ed Roberts, Arnoldo Hax, Charlie Fine, Michael Cusumano, Henry Weil…

11 Masters Thesis Workshops E.g. MIT-style Roadmapping

12 Instruments for Social Observation Zauri / MIThril Reality Mining Sociometers nTags Tech Testbeds

13 Socioscopes Capturing Opinion-, Physio-, Psycho-, Neuro-, Bio-, & Anthro-metrics JPB 2003

14 eSurveys via eTablets e = electronic, environmental, everywhere

15 Technology Testbeds & Market Microcosms Athena PlaceLab Sloan, Media & Kendall E.g. CycleScore E.g. Shuttletrack

16 Online Explorations e.g. Virtual Customer Initiative (VCI) Including Professors John Hauser, Drazen Prelec, Nader Tavassoli, et al Methods for Accelerating the Customer Feedback  Product Development connection. Live Demos – –

17 Technology Venture Observatory (TVO) Including Professor Diane Burton Inquiring about Business Strategy, Employment Models, Founder Experiences, Emerging Technology Businesses, Entrepreneurial Financing… DRAFT PROPOSAL

18 Live Case Studies Emerging Technology-Business For example, Professors Fiona Murray in Biotech, Joe Jacobson in Nanotech Inquiring about New Technology arenas, Radical Research Seeking Business Implications Commercialization Challenges Class Connections

19 Extracurricular Student Research Tech Testbeds Experiment Participation iTeam Research

20 Additionals Online Experiments Experimental Psychology User Innovation Communities Innovation Toolkits

21 Group Dynamics Observatory MBA Teams = 60 groups of 6 people each. Equally heterogeneous demographics. Design Teams Venture Teams Social Psychology

22 Survey & Observation

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