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EIAA Digital Women report Pan-European Results March 2006 Conducted by SPA/Synovate.

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Presentation on theme: "EIAA Digital Women report Pan-European Results March 2006 Conducted by SPA/Synovate."— Presentation transcript:

1 EIAA Digital Women report Pan-European Results March 2006 Conducted by SPA/Synovate

2 Presentation Agenda 1.Introduction Research Objective Methodology & Sample 2.Main Findings Pan-European View of Media Consumption Pan-European Time Spent Using Media Pan-European Broadband Penetration Pan-European Website Usage & Web Activities Impressions of Media 3.Conclusions

3 Research Objectives OVERALL PROJECT OBJECTIVE The broad aim of this study is to measure and track changes in media consumption patterns by women across Europe. This work will show when, why and how often women are using different media – in particular usage of the Internet for content, communication and commerce

4 Within each territory quotas were set to ensure our sample was representative of each market. Quotes were applied on: Age, gender, income level, education and regional distribution within countries Within each territory quotas were set to ensure our sample was representative of each market. Quotes were applied on: Age, gender, income level, education and regional distribution within countries 7,016 (3667 Women) interviews across 10 European countries TOTAL SAMPLE Methodology & Sample Nordics Sweden – 337(170 Women) Norway – 334 (175 Women) Denmark – 333 (169 Women) Germany – 1,000 (522 Women) Italy – 1,004 (516 Women) Spain – 1,004 (520 Women) France – 1,001 (520 Women) UK – 1,003 (532 Women) Benelux Belgium – 500 (270 Women) Netherlands – 500 (273 Women)

5 7,016 (3667 Women) Computer Aided Telephone Interviews (CATi) were conducted by Synovate on behalf of SPA and the EIAA in 9 EU countries and Norway Fieldwork took place in all territories between 1 st -28 th September 2005 Interviews length ranged from between 25-30 minutes This wave of the EIAA European Media Consumption Study comprises 7,016 (3667 Women) interviews making the results extremely robust at the total EU & Norway level. EU & Norway sample size of 7016 provides accurate data to ± 1.1 – 0.8% at the 95% confidence level Women sample size of 3,667 provides accurate data to ± 1 – 1.6% at the 95% confidence level The application of quotas ensured that representative samples were achieved in each country quotas on age, gender, income level, education and regional distribution Results at the total level were weighted to take into account the different country’s population sizes. Using 2005 data from the UN the following weighting matrix was developed Methodology & Sample: EU & Norway


7 Shattering the myths… Online isn’t male biased due men driving takeup of technology Women with children can be reached online Women aren’t elusive and specialist, using different environments from men

8 Women driving online growth in Europe Number of men online in Europe static Women growing 8% Greatest growth from UK, Spain, France & Benelux

9 Q1a,2a,3a. In a typical 7 day week, that is Monday to Sunday, can you tell me if you use the internet? Women Sector Growth

10 Q1a,2a,3a. In a typical 7 day week, that is Monday to Sunday, can you tell me if you use the internet? Women Sector Growth +8% +15% +12% +18% +21% +19% +41%

11 Women’s Time Spent Using Media Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend watching television/reading newspapers/reading magazines/listening to the radio/using the internet? Average number of hours per week

12 Women’s Time Spent Using Media Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend watching television/reading newspapers/reading magazines/listening to the radio/using the internet? Average number of hours per week +6% +13% +21% - -5%

13 Time Spent Using The Internet Women Men Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend using the internet? EU & Norway 16% Increase 21% Increase 13% Increase

14 Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend using the internet? Average number of hours per week Women’s Internet Usage by Country

15 Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend using the internet? Average number of hours per week Women’s Internet Usage by Country +21% +24% +7% +50% +23% +8% +1% +20%

16 Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend using the internet? Average number of hours per week Women’s Sector Growth

17 Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend using the internet? Average number of hours per week Women’s Sector Growth +21% +46% +21% +8% +3% +23% +26%

18 Weekly Media Consumption: Women Q1b. What times of the day do you typically…during the week? [Base: All female respondents using each type of media]


20 22% growth in Women on Broadband QC3. Thinking about the place where you use the internet most often, do you have a broadband connection? % [Base: All female internet users in Central Europe: 2005: 1042, 2004: 978, 2003: 880]

21 Broadband Penetration: Women EU & Norway UK Germany France Italy Spain Benelux Nordics [Base: All female internet users, 1686] QC3. Thinking about the place where you use the internet most often, do you have a broadband connection? (A connection with a speed of at least 500kbps) PENETRATION % EU & Norway UK Germany France Italy Spain Benelux Nordics LIKELY TO GET BROADBAND IN THE FUTURE % QC4. Do you intend to upgrade to broadband some time in the future? [Base: All female non-broadband internet users, 544] Female Average 2005


23 Q7a. Which of the following types of websites do you visit at least once a month? (%) Websites Visited: Women vs. Men [Base: All female internet users: 1686, all male internet users: 1914]

24 Q7A. Which of the following website or websites, if any, do you visit at least once a month? Websites visited by Women TRAVEL UP 6% BANKING & FINANCE UP 5% SHOPPING UP 8% AUCTIONS UP 36% FILMS UP 32% MUSIC UP 12%

25 Q7b. Which of the following web activities do you undertake at least once per month? (%) [Base: All internet users: 3600, all female internet users: 1686] Web Activities: Women vs. EU & Norway


27 “Can get what you want quickly & saves you time” [Base: All 2004 female respondents who use all media 672]

28 “Has what you want when you want it” [Base: All 2004 female respondents who use all media 672]

29 “Are media that puts you in control” [Base: All 2004 female respondents who use all media 672]

30 “Are media that keeps you ahead of the game” [Base: All 2004 female respondents who use all media 672]

31 “Feature advertising from forward thinking brands” [Base: All 2004 female respondents who use all media 672]

32 “Are good for when your brain is most active” [Base: All 2004 female respondents who use all media 672]

33 “Place you can lose yourself” [Base: All 2004 female respondents who use all media 672]


35 Although online growth is slowing, this isn’t true of female audiences Women with kids and young professionals driving growth Internet is 3 rd biggest medium and 2 nd in prime time Female audiences aren’t elusive or specialist! Attitudinally online and TV derives positive perceptions from key statements Key Takeouts

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