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2016! School & Class Procedures 2016!. Essential Question: What do I need to do to be successful for the rest of the year?

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Presentation on theme: "2016! School & Class Procedures 2016!. Essential Question: What do I need to do to be successful for the rest of the year?"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016! School & Class Procedures 2016!

2 Essential Question: What do I need to do to be successful for the rest of the year?

3 Start-up Exercise On your own: Brainstorm 5 things you have learned in this class Talk to a shoulder partner & share Share as a class

4 Start-up Exercise Preview: this semester we will be learning about… Gaming –Gamestar Mechanic –Photoshop backgrounds and scenery –Flash –Make your own game – final project TA –Lesson plans –Teaching ESE and ESOL students Web –Continue learning code –Dreamweaver Business –Excel –PowerPoint

5 WPHS Expectations Prompt Prepared Productive Polite Discuss what these mean at West Port and in this class.

6 Guidelines for Success

7 Classroom Procedures Seating assignments Daily Start-up activity (location, grade) Tardy log Sign-out log Sharpening pencils, trash, etc. Classroom etiquette Dismissal procedures Other

8 Office Hours My Office Hours are: –Every day during the first half of Power Hour –NOTE: No more gaming during Power Hour B. –Please see me for help during this time –Make-up classwork and tests –I am here for YOU!

9 Crisis Procedures: Code Yellow- lock door, students stay in class, continue teaching Code Red- lock door, turn-off lights, students stay in class & QUIET, get on floor away from doors and windows Fire Drill- Let’s take a walk…

10 Closure: I will be able to: –Share the school-wide expectations –List at least 2 of the classroom procedures –List 2 things we will learn this semester File Name (date)I will be able to (last name) Send to wiki.

11 Parting (launch): Students pack-up stuff Get into a circle Share something they learned or something positive from class today Have a GREAT day- the choice is YOURS!

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