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NRC Lessons Learned Steve Barr Senior Emergency Preparedness Inspector Region I US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2008 NRC Region I Joint Exercise Scheduling.

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Presentation on theme: "NRC Lessons Learned Steve Barr Senior Emergency Preparedness Inspector Region I US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2008 NRC Region I Joint Exercise Scheduling."— Presentation transcript:

1 NRC Lessons Learned Steve Barr Senior Emergency Preparedness Inspector Region I US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2008 NRC Region I Joint Exercise Scheduling Conference Mystic, CT December 10-12, 2008

2 Region I Topics Region I EP Inspections Biennial Baseline Effort –One Year = Biennial Exercise Evaluation –Other Year = Program Inspection Supplemental and Special Inspections –For Findings and Events

3 Region I Topics Exercise Evaluation Inspection –Performance vs. Program Findings –NRC Requirements vs. NEI Guidance –Communication and Working-Level Relationships –NRC Actions for FEMA Deficiencies

4 Region I Topics –EP Performance Indicators ANS Reliability Drill and Exercise Performance ERO Drill Participation –NRC Verifies Licensee Data Annually –Yellow PI for ERO Drill Participation Seemingly administrative error in placing large number of new members on ERO without requisite follow-up drill ERO Drill Participation PI Yellow threshold crossed NRC Supplemental Inspection = 3 Inspectors for 1 Week Licensee determined site EP program to be in need of significant attention PI worked!

5 Region I Topics Alert and Notification Systems (ANS) –Energy Policy Act of 2005 & 2005 NRC Findings –Licensee opted for entirely new ANS –NRC Confirmatory Order, then an Order, then a CAL –January 2007 deadline extends to August 2008 –Licensee-FEMA-NRC coordination and progress –August 2008: new ANS placed in service –NRC currently performing wrap-up inspections

6 Region I Topics Twelve Topics for NRC EP Rulemaking –Emergency Response Organization Augmentation and Alternate Facilities –Protection for Onsite Personnel –On-Shift Collateral Duties –Licensee Coordination with Offsite Response Organizations During Security-Based Events –Security Event-Based Drills and Exercises –Emergency Action Levels for Security Events

7 Region I Topics Twelve Topics for NRC EP Rulemaking (cont’d) –Backup Means for Alert and Notification Systems –Evacuation Time Estimate Updating –Emergency Operations Facility - Performance-Based Approach –Decrease in Effectiveness –Emergency Classification Timeliness –Shift Staffing and Augmentation

8 Region I Topics It’s 10:00pm, Do You Know Where Your EALs Are? –History of EAL Change Process –2007 RIS & EGM –IP7111404 Inspection –Traditional Enforcement vs. SDP –Continuing discoveries regarding EAL adequacy

9 Region I Topics External Stakeholder Outreach –ANS performance –Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) definition/growth –Special populations within EPZ –Government-to-government meetings

10 Region I Topics Other Programmatic Findings/Issues –Corrective action adequacy –Dose assessment rigor/technical basis –Scenario difficulty/control room assessment –Event classification basis not evaluated

11 Region I Topics Region I Points of Contact –Steve Barr, Senior EP Inspector (610) 337-5316 or –Nancy McNamara, State Liaison Officer (610) 337-5337 or

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