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The Year of Care Programme Implementing Care Planning and Support for Self Care as Routine in Diabetes Care Lindsay Oliver National Director of the Year.

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Presentation on theme: "The Year of Care Programme Implementing Care Planning and Support for Self Care as Routine in Diabetes Care Lindsay Oliver National Director of the Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Year of Care Programme Implementing Care Planning and Support for Self Care as Routine in Diabetes Care Lindsay Oliver National Director of the Year of Care Partnerships

2 The Year of Care Programme Firstly - making routine consultations between clinicians and people with long term conditions truly collaborative, through care-planning - changing the relationship and then about ensuring that the local services people need to support this are identified and available, through commissioning – changing support for self management NHS Diabetes

3 had at least one check up in the last 12 months discussed ideas about best way to manage their diabetes agreed a plan to manage their diabetes over next 12 months discussed their goals in caring for their diabetes Year of Care : addressing the problem (diabetes) From ‘Managing Diabetes’ Healthcare Commission: 2007 Poor quality of care and ineffective use of resources

4 Hours with healthcare professional = 4 hours in a year Self-management = 8756 hours in a year Long term conditions are different

5 Sent to patient > 1 week before consultation; with agenda setting prompts Prepared HCP and patient Resultant care plan shared with patient, immediately or by post Information sharing Consultation and joint decision making Agreed and shared goals and actions (care plan) 1st visit Between visits 2nd visit HCA performs annual review tests Information gathering

6 Test results / agenda setting prompts: beforehand Contact numbers and safety netting Consultation skills / attitudes Senior buy-in & local champions to support & role model Integrated, multi-disciplinary team & expertise Information/ Structured education ‘Prepared’ for Consultation Emotional & psychological support IT: clinical record of care planning Know your population Metrics and monitoring Commissioning care planning Commissioning the menu (including Non Traditional Providers)

7 Clinical care…….. Improving too! Tower Hamlets 92% of registered population (Type 2 diabetes) taking part in care planning Patient perceived ‘involvement in care’ rose from 52-82% 72% received all 9 processes in National Diabetes Audit: Best in England (Average 49%)

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