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Published byJohn Fleming Modified over 9 years ago
1 Sherington Neighbourhood Plan Public Meeting 23 rd January 2016
2 Neighbourhood Development Plan has come out of the Government’s determination to ensure that local communities are closely involved in the decisions which affect them. The Sherington Neighbourhood Development Plan has been developed to establish a vision for the village and to help deliver the community’s aspirations and needs for the plan period 2016 – 2027. The Neighbourhood Development Plan is a statutory document to be incorporated into the district planning frameworks and, when approved, must be used by Milton Keynes Council (MKC) to determine planning applications. The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, formed from volunteers within the Parish, has consulted and listened to the community and local organisations on a wide range of issues that will influence the well-being, sustainability and long-term preservation of our rural community. Our Plan has been produced by local residents, with the support of the Parish Council, using the views of Sherington residents. Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Background Sherington Neighbourhood Plan (Jan 23) V03 2.pptx
3 Every effort has been made to ensure that the views and policies contained in this document reflect those of the majority of Sherington residents. A Neighbourhood Plan has many benefits and being developed by volunteers to: protect the village from uncontrolled, large scale, or poorly placed development; spread development required by Milton Keynes Core Strategy across several small sites; ensure sympathetic development improves, the look and feel of the village; take steps to give residents preferred access to many of the new homes; minimise the loss of greenfield sites where possible using previously developed sites; access Community Infrastructure Levy funding to improve village facilities; identify actions to improve Sherington’s facilities, (Sherington Parish Action Plan 2016), for services, local environment & address issues beyond the Neighbourhood Plan. Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation
4 Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Plan Area
5 Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Community
6 To secure that the development of Sherington, over the next 15 years, unfolds in accordance with the wishes of those living and working in the Parish. In particular, maintaining Sherington’s special rural character, whilst enriching it through thoughtful new development of housing, business and social amenities, thus ensuring its future as a vibrant, sustainable rural community. Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Vision
7 To ensure that the scale, location and mix of new housing development reflects the wishes and needs of the community. To ensure that all new development, whether housing, business or leisure facilities, enhances the environment of the Parish. Specific plans being drawn up in relation to building, landscape, archaeological sites and wild life habitats. To provide premises and infrastructure to enable existing and new business and organisations to set up and thrive in the Parish. To deliver a Neighbourhood Plan which is robust, inclusive, sustainable and deliverable, accurately reflecting the hopes of the community for the future of the village. Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Objectives
8 Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Views / Facilities
9 Propose Plan Area Vision Objectives Tentative Policies Develop Outline Site Allocations Review Planning History Review MKC Core Strategy Review MKC Site Allocations Review Parish Action Plans Prepare Survey of Village Needs Consult Businesses & Landowners Environmental Study Draft Neighbourhood Plan Refine Site Allocations (Sustainability Appraisal) Monthly NPlan Meetings Finalise Policies Plan Area Approved Meetings with MK Council Activity & Outputs Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Process & Progress
10 Sept Aug Dec NPlan Survey Formal Draft Policy Consultation Formal Jan Feb Drop In Session Feedback Informal 2015 Kick-Off Meetings February 2015 Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Engagement & Consultation
11 Sherington Parish Council resolved to develop a Neighbourhood Plan for Sherington on 6th January 2015. Councillor Ian Collinge was nominated as Parish Council representative on the Neighbourhood Plan. Three Kick-Off information sessions were held, additional Volunteers were invited to join a Steering Group. This request was repeated in local village media and a group of 11 village residents met for the first time on 24th February 2015. Since then a total of 23 residents have served on the Steering Group. The Steering Group continues to meet monthly – all meetings are open to the public and Agendas and Minutes are shared through the Neighbourhood Plan website with a summary in the Village newsletter Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Process & Summary
12 Information Event - 21 February 2015 The first major consultation with the Public took place on 21 st February The event was advertised by flyer delivery and notices displayed about the village. 26 display boards detailed previous Parish Plans & how the village has evolved since 1973. The Information Event in the Village Hall on Saturday 21 February 2015 was a great success. There were 105 attendees who submitted 112 comments on 83 post-it notes. These were analysed as they would form the first foundations of the Plan. Some items were passed on for action to the Parish Council (as they were out of scope) Progress The Steering Group set about building the supporting data and expanding the consultation. 5 Major work streams were identified – Planning ; Infrastructure ; Ecology ; Built Environment ; Heritage / Archaeology The work streams began consultation and engagement with local community groups, the schools, church, local businesses and landowners. All Service Providers to the Village were consulted on capacity of their infrastructure. The Planning work stream began discussions with Milton Keynes Council officers – to ensure our activity and direction was in conformance with Planning Strategy The scope of the studies extends beyond the Neighbourhood Plan & the work undertaken by Volunteers allowed significant progress to be made on the Parish Council Action Plan. Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Process & Summary
13 21 st April 2015 Milton Keynes Council formally Approved the Neighbourhood Plan area Parish Council Elections The Elections in May saw 6 new councillors. Most of these councillors joined the Neighbourhood Plan team. Councillor Will Bush took over the role of Chair of the Plan. The new Councillors worked with the team to formulate the Vision and Objectives and set a timetable for the next Village Consultation - and the required preparation activity. Village Consultation – August 2015 A questionnaire was compiled & issued to the Parish – delivered to all homes & website About YouShared Vision for Sherington InfrastructureBusiness & Local Economy Transport & PollutionSherington Treasures & Assets Housing DevelopmentOther Comments 40% response (above average for Neighbourhood plans). Analysis revealed trends & comments that have been reviewed & integrated into the Plan. Analysed data was display in the Sherington Village Hall. Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Process & Summary
14 Information Drop In Event – 5 th September 2015 The event was advertised by flyer delivery and notices displayed about the village – 26 display boards provided details of previous Parish Plans and how the village has evolved since 1973. Reminder of Progress to date Results of Survey and next actions for the Steering Group Timetable – next actions – Plan Volunteers were on hand for discussion and note feedback / comments. – 75 attendees who submitted an additional comments. Policy Development Following up the Consultation Analysis and the Feedback from the Drop In event the Steering Group focussed on development of Draft Policies - and reviewed these in committee on 27 th October 2015 AHeritageCCommunity Well Being DDesignHHousing SHSites Of HousingSBSites Of Business RRenewable EnergyTTransport And Highways UUtilitiesXEnvironment 6 Key Policies were selected for consultation with the Village. Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Process & Summary
15 Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Views & Activities
16 Feedback on Draft Policies5 January 2015 The policies were formulated from feedback from the village from the February 2015 Open day and the Questionnaire submitted in August 2015. The policies were discussed at the Neighbourhood Plan meetings open to the general public and then formulated and discussed with Milton Keynes Council Planners. The policies were then revised to incorporate guidance from Milton Keynes. Written feedback – Issued 18 / 19 Dec 2015 to 5 Jan 2016 A document was issued to the Parish to every dwelling explaining the Neighbourhood Plan Draft Policies and requesting clear feedback comments and to vote Agree / Neutral / Disagree against each of the policies. Executive summary - All submitted Policies Carried On line feedback – Opened 30 Nov 2015 – to 4 Jan 2016 (feedback taken) internet access was also arranged to allow voting to be made on line. Executive summary - All submitted Policies Carried Audit – written feedback Voting on policies audited by Edward Caldwell Sherington Parish Councillor 6 Jan 2016 (ver 2) Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Draft Policies
17 Issued document for written feedback Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Draft Policies
18 Issued Document for written feedback – Voting Analysis Results audited by Edward Caldwell Sherington Parish Councillor 6th Jan 2016 Printed by Sherington Neighbourhood Plan Group for Sherington Parish Council 6 Jan 2015 Ver 2Page 5 of 12 Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Draft Policies
19 On Line feed back response – Voting Analysis Printed by Sherington Neighbourhood Plan Group for Sherington Parish Council 6 Jan 2015 Ver 2Page 12 of 12 Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Draft Policies
20 Propose Plan Area Vision Objectives Develop Outline Site Allocations Review Planning History Review MKC Core Strategy Review MKC Site Allocations Review Parish Action Plans Prepare Survey of Village Needs Consult Businesses & Landowners Draft Neighbourhood Plan Refine Site Allocations (Sustainability Appraisal) Monthly NPlan Meetings Draft Parish Action Plan Finalise Site Allocations (Sustainability Appraisal) Finalise Policies Publish Parish Action Plan Final Neighbourhood Plan Plan Area Approved Meetings with MK Council Activity & Outputs Process & Progress Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Draft Policies What happens next? Refine the Site Allocations (based on the Sustainability Study) Finalise the Policies Complete the DRAFT Neighbourhood Plan The Parish Council will also develop the DRAFT Parish Action Plan
21 Site Allocations Feb Draft NPlan Review JanMar Apr 2016 February Sherington Neighbourhood Plan - Engagement & Consultation Open and Transparent Consultation The Site Allocations Discussion document / survey / questionnaire will be delivered in February The Draft NPlan is being prepared for consultation at the end of March
23 Visit our NEW Website Contact us:- If you have an issue you wish to raise or require further information on the Parish Council’s activities, you can Email the Council via the Parish Clerk at the following Email address: Alternatively, please contact any Councillor, or the Parish Clerk.
24 Sherington Pavilion New medium sized function room New modern kitchen New toilets New disabled facilities Plus – car park Children’s play area Large open grass area Football pitch and changing facilities Bookings at very reasonable rates now available. Book now!Book now!
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