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Future trends Unit 18. Meaning of Trend: The general direction in which something tends to move. E.g.: economic trends 经济趋向 educational trend 教育趋势 [ 动向.

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Presentation on theme: "Future trends Unit 18. Meaning of Trend: The general direction in which something tends to move. E.g.: economic trends 经济趋向 educational trend 教育趋势 [ 动向."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future trends Unit 18

2 Meaning of Trend: The general direction in which something tends to move. E.g.: economic trends 经济趋向 educational trend 教育趋势 [ 动向 ] employment trend 就业率变化趋势

3 Lesson 1Making predictions inflation rate unemployment rate

4 Answers: housing costs food prices unemployment wages petrol price

5 Part BLanguage focus Look at the language focus and learn the meaning of Will Read the paragraph and underline the correct tense in Italics

6 Part CListening: listen to an expert talking about economic indicators.

7 Part DSpeaking information gap activity Answers: Inflation will fall by 4% Interest will rise by 3% Production will fall by 2% Strikes will rise by 3% Import will rise by 6% Investment will fall by 3%

8 Lesson 2Talking about the future Part AVocabulary immigrant migrant emigrant

9 Part BReading fill in the gaps with the word and expression in the box in A

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