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Programme on Values 2003-2005. Background  Context –Divided past resulting in divided schools –Lack of identification with symbols –Inadequate engagement.

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1 Programme on Values 2003-2005

2 Background  Context –Divided past resulting in divided schools –Lack of identification with symbols –Inadequate engagement with the values of Constitution Values Initiative

3 What we did?  Directorate Race and Values in 2002  Race and Values PoA in 2002  Establishment of SAHP –Encourage recording of unwritten histories –Forums of discussion on history and teaching –Strengthen history teaching –Resurrect interest in history teaching  Celebration of National Symbols

4 What are we doing?  Ensure all schools reflect ethos and principles of Constitution –National network set up –Training on anti racism for provinces –Draft monitoring instrument developed –Advocacy workshops with SGB associations –Manual on racial integration –Framework on Values and HR in the curriculum o be piloted with 1800 teachers

5 What are we doing cont.  Ensure teachers are prepared to teach in manner which reflects values –Advanced Certificate in Values and HR registered –75 managers funded to take part in course –Six universities offer it

6 What are we doing cont?  All youth have access to info about SA heritage and engage with pride –Manifesto distributed to schools –Cassette/CD with poems, speeches from Presidents and national anthem –Posters and info on Heritage and Freedom Days –Heritage and Freedom Day Celebrations

7 Challenges still remain  Integration still superficial  Profile of learners changing but not teachers, principals and SGBs  Schools do not reflect new ethos and values  Lack of appreciation and recognition of different cultures  English and Afrikaans still dominate  Agents of change themselves require changing

8 Where to from here? Inkululeko: Freedom, Democracy and Identity  Integrated CD programme  Three year programme  Four Themes

9 Context  Ten years since first vote and democracy  Democracy=Advantages and responsibilities  Challenge to create new consciousness  Understanding and valuing cultural diversity critical to identity  Language intrinsic to expression of culture and identity

10 Theme 1: First Decade of Freedom  Reflection, Celebration and Next Ten years  HEDCOM sub committee set up Never Again Celebration (educational and celebration) Voter education and Democracy programme

11 Theme 2: Pride in our heritage and respect for values and symbols  Proudly SA schools : Making public schools E&T providers of first choice Qualities: Quality l&t, safe,resourced, well kept, well managed, integrated (race, ethnic, religion P.O.A Flags to schools Strategy on School Integration (incl communities) Monitoring Framework and tools Programme to engage teachers, SMTs, SGBs

12 Theme 2 cont.  Celebrating our Heritage Heritage Month Celebrations Celebrating traditions and customs –Intergeneration dialogue

13 Theme 3: Unity in Diversity Acknowledging and celebrating diversity –Encourage children to speak their languages and read –Educate children about their cultures (and others) –Promote an understanding of different cultures –Implementing recommendations from WCAR –Using sports and arts and culture to acknowledge and celebrate diversity

14 Theme 4: Pride in being African  Celebrating African achievements  Complement our NEPAD programme  Celebration of Africa Day  Meaningful engagement about what it means to be African

15 Activities for 2003/4  Listening Campaign  Voter Education Campaign  Flags to Schools  Report on profile of schools  Strategy for School Integration  SAMW  Festival on Indigenous music and dance  Sol Plaatjie Lecture  Heritage Month  Freedom Day Celebrations  Promoting use of indigenous languages

16 Conclusion  Programme supports existing work on curriculum, teacher training etc  Activities for subsequent years developed as part of planning of DoE

17 Thank you

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