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Objectives 3 Enhancement in nutritional status of school going children. Encourage enrollment and regularity in attendance. Promoting harmony among children Providing nutritional support to children in drought affected areas during summer vacations.

4 National Food Security Act:2013
4 Section 5. (1) (b) & (2) (1) Subject to the provisions contained in clause (b), every child up to the age of fourteen years shall have the following entitlements for his nutritional needs, namely:— (b) In the case of children, up to class VIII or within the age group of six to fourteen years, whichever is applicable, one mid-day meal, free of charge, everyday, except on school holidays, in all schools run by local bodies, government and government aided schools, so as to meet the nutritional standards specified in Schedule II. (2) Every school, referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (1), shall have facilities for cooking meals, drinking water and sanitation: Provided that in urban areas facilities of centralised kitchens for cooking meals may be used, wherever required, as per the guidelines issued by the Central Government.

5 Secretary- Panchayati Raj Director- Mid Day Meal
Administrative Structure 5 Minister- RD & PR Principal Secretary- RD & PR Secretary- Panchayati Raj Director- Mid Day Meal Additional Commissioner Deputy Director Deputy Director

6 Mid-Day-Meal-Directorate
MDM Implementation Structure 6 State Level Mid-Day-Meal-Directorate District Level Zila Parishad (C.E.O.) Block Level Block Elementary Education Office SMCs (Headmaster) Central Kitchens SHGs

7 MDM-Coverage in Rajasthan:2013-14 School Enrolments : 69.69 Lakh
7 No. of Schools Covered : Classes Govt. Schools Aided Schools Madarsas EGSs NCLPs TOTAL Class 1-5 69840 04 1753 884 132 72663 Class 6-8 7596 02 65 18 00 7681 77486 06 1818 902 80344 School Enrolments : Lakh Classes Govt. Schools Aided Schools Madarsas EGSs NCLPs TOTAL Class 1-5 557 137165 44673 6513 Class 6-8 242 12366 936 00 799 149531 45609 [ Based on Schools & Enrolments Data As On September 2012 ]

8 MDM-Coverage in Rajasthan:2014-15
8 No. of Schools Covered : Classes Govt. Schools Aided Schools Madarsas EGSs NCLPs TOTAL 1-5 47895 106 1712 625 75 50413 [(1-5)+(6-8)] 23945 03 184 08 16 24156 6-8 10687 02 11 04 00 10704 82527 111 1907 637 91 85273 School Enrolments : Lakh Classes Govt. Schools Aided Schools Madarsas EGSs NCLPs TOTAL Class 1-5 7573 129544 31820 3003 Class 6-8 534 26159 792 00 8107 155703 32612 [ Based on Schools & Enrolments Data As On December 2013 ]

9 Special Menu Once A Week on Local Demand & Seasonal Fruits Once A Week
Mid-Day-Meal-Menu 9 S. N. WEEK DAY MENU 1 Monday Chapati – Vegetable & Dal 2 Tuesday Dal, Vegetable / Rice 3 Wednesday Chapati- Dal 4 Thursday Khichdi (Dal,Rice,Vegetable etc) 5 Friday 6 Saturday Chapati- Vegetable Mixed Special Menu Once A Week on Local Demand & Seasonal Fruits Once A Week CLASSES FOODGRAIN (Per student per day) NUTRITION VALUE COOKING COST (Rs) 1 to 5 100gm(Wheat/Rice) 450 Cal & 12 gm Protein 3.34 6 to 8 150 gm (Wheat/Rice) 700 Cal & 20 gm Protein 5.00

MDM- Rajasthan 10 COST OF MEAL PER CHILD PER SCHOOL DAY SN Food Item PRIMARY UPPER PRIMARY Quantity (gm) Cost (Rs.) Calories (K Cal) Protein 1 Foodgarin Wheat/Rice 100 0.00 346 11.8 150 519 17.7 2 Pulses 20 1.30 67 4.5 30 1.95 11.5 6.75 3 Vegetables 50 1.00 75 1.50 4 Oil & fat 05 0.35 90 7.5 0.52 120 5 Salt & condiments 0.25 0.38 6 Fuel 0.44 0.65 7 Others Total 175.00 3.34 503.00 16.30 262.50 5.00 739.50 24.45 As per state Nutrition/Expenditure Norms Including Central & State Share

11 Cooking Agencies 2.46% 3064 2.12 Lakh 2102 1.88 Lakh 80107 63.71Lakh
11 2.46% 3.59% 94.1% 93.95% Under revision 3.13% 2.77% MDM Cooking Agencies Schools Covered Children Covered Centralized Kitchens (06) 3064 2.12 Lakh Annapurna Sahkari Samities [SHGs] (255) 2102 1.88 Lakh School Management Committees (SMCs) 80107 63.71Lakh

MDM-Rajasthan 12 CENTRALIZED KITCHENS FUNCTIONING in RAJASTHAN DISTRICT ORGANIZATION Schools Covered Children Covered Alwar QRG Foundation 374 30788 Jaipur Akshaya Patra Foundation 1482 104336 Iskon Foundation 336 16665 Jodhpur Adamya Chetna Trust 287 20000 148 11931 Rajsamand 437 28135 TOTAL (06) 3064 211855

13 FINANCIAL STATUS 2013-14 ( Rs. In Lakh )
MDM-Rajasthan 13 FINANCIAL STATUS ( Rs. In Lakh ) SN Components Total Available Funds (including releases in & O.B.on ) Expenditure Balance Up To Dec. 2013 Up To Feb.2014 (prov.) 1 Cooking Cost 2 Food Grain Cost 3 MME 974.77 668.91 847.29 127.48 4 Transportation 595.15 753.86 509.51 5 Kitchen Cum Store 6 Kitchen Devices 340.66 431.50 872.70 7 Cook Cum Helper 8 LPG Refill 544.92 876.01 Total

14 Source : Academic Calendar of Education Department-Rajasthan
MDM-Rajasthan 14 Working Days in 126 Days 365 (-) = 239 ( - ) 63 42 21 NCLP 323 08 Days Vacations Sundays 02 04 Other Holidays = 231 Holidays Declared By District Collector Holidays Declared By Headmaster Holidays For Teacher’s Conference Source : Academic Calendar of Education Department-Rajasthan

FOODGRAIN MANAGEMENT : ( in MT ) Foodgrain Opening Balance Allocation FCI Lifting (Dec.13) Consumed (Dec 2013) Balance WHEAT RICE TOTAL FOODGRAIN REQUIREMENTS: Foodgrain Quantity (in MT) FUNDS ( Rs. in Lakh ) WHEAT RICE TOTAL FOODGRAIN TRANSPORT ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENT: Lakh

MDM Rajasthan 16 PROPOSED CCH REQUIREMENT : CCH (nos) FUNDS ( Rs. in Lakh) 138576 Cook-cum-Helpers : SC ST OBC Minority Others Total Male 3342 3894 6024 199 1582 15041 Female 11786 16687 63509 3372 14221 109575 15128 20581 69533 3571 15803 124616 Minority OBC ST Others SC

17 Per Unit Cooking Cost (Rs.)
MDM-Cooking Conversion Cost 17 COOKING COST ASSISTANCE (CCA) REQUIRED : ( Rs. In Lakh) Central Share (75%) State Share (25%) Total Per Unit Cooking Cost (Rs.) Year Primary Schools Upper Primary Schools Central State Total 2.51 0.83 3.34 3.75 1.25 5.00 2.69 0.90 3.59 4.03 1.34 5.38 Cooking Cost Every Year UTILIZATION-COOKING COST [ Dec.2013] ( in Lakh ) Opening Balance Allocation Releases Expenditure Unspent Balance

18 MDM- Rajasthan 18 LPG Refilling Requirement Schools Schools Covered Expenditure ( in Lakh ) Schools Required Total Central Funds Required ( in Lakh) 85273 29815 544.92 55458 NEW LPG CONNECTIONS REQUIREMENT Schools Schools With Gas Connections New Gas Connections Required Funds Required From State (in Lakh) 85273 29815 55458 @ 4500/ per Connection

MDM- Rajasthan 19 PROPOSED KITCHEN DEVICES [UTENSILS] Schools Schools Covered REQUIREMENTS New Schools Replacements ( > 5 Years Old ) Total Central Funds ( in Lakh) 85273 77169 8104 23512 @ Rs per school

20 MDM- Rajasthan Kitchen-cum-Stores : Status of GOI Releases TOTAL 77298
20 Kitchen-cum-Stores : Status of GOI Releases Years No. of Kitchen-cum-Stores Per Unit Cost (Rs.) Release by GOI (in Lakh) 8083 2278 16782   40057 10098 TOTAL 77298 Kitchen-cum-Stores : Status of Completion [ Dec.2013 ] KCS Sanctioned No. of Kitchen-cum-Stores Constructed Under Construction Not Constructed 77298 44539 5622 27137

21 PROPOSED BUDGET (AWP&B ) FOR 2014-15 (in Lakh )
MDM- Rajasthan 21 PROPOSED BUDGET (AWP&B ) FOR (in Lakh ) COMPONENT CENTRAL SHARE STATE SHARE TOTAL BUDGET Recurring Assistance Foodgrain Cost 0.00 Cooking Cost CCH Honorarium Transportation 933.21 MME 956.26 LPG Refilling Non-Recurring Assistance Kitchen Devices TOTAL Central Share : State Share :: 75 % : 25%

22 MDM: Monitoring Mechanism
22 1. State Steering & Monitoring Committee (Chief Secretary + 13 Pr. Secretaries/ Secretaries & HoD’s + Nominated Members ) 2. District Steering & Monitoring Committees (District Collector + MLAs+ Nominated Members) 3. Block Level Committees (SDO + Nominated Members) 4. DLOs’ Regular Inspections as per Norms 5. Sudden Inspections - Twice a Year 6. Mid-Day-Meal-MIS-System 7. Independent Agencies Appointed By GOI ( 3 agencies ) 8. GOI-Joint Review Mission (JRM) 9. State Review Mission (SRM)

23 District Level Officers
MDM: Monthly Inspection Norms For DLOs 23 S.N. District Level Officers No. of Schools 1 District Collector 5 2 Addl. District Collector 3 Sub Divisional Officer/ACM 10 4 Tehsildar Other District Level Officers 6 Chief Executive Officer, Zila Parishad 7 Addl. CEO Officer, Zila Parishad 8 Other Officers Zila Parishad 9 District Education Officer 20 Block Education Officer 11 Sub Divisional Education Officer 12 Block Development Officer 13 Other Officers of Panchayat Samiti 14 Other Block Level Officers 15 Executive Officer, Local Bodies

24 MDM: Monitoring & Inspections
24 Schools Covered Under MDM-Inspections [Dec.14] Inspections By DLOs Inspections By State Officers Intensive Inspections Monitoring Institutes Total 63311 186 26289 240 90026 Complaints Received & Actions Taken Status Status Up To Dec. 2013 Status Up To Feb.2014 Complaints Received (nos.) Complaints Disposed of Complaints Received Action Pending Remarks 39 03 Information from districts awaited

25 Nutritional Strengthening Initiative
25 Nutritional Strengthening of Tribal Area Double Foodgrain Per Child Per Day DISTRICT BLOCK TRIBES BARAN Kishanganj Shahbad Saharia UDAIPUR Kotra, Jhadol, Gogunda Kathodi

26 Capacity Building & Training Initiatives 2013-14
26 Capacity Building & Training Initiatives 1. Cook-Cum-Helpers Training TOT with IIHMR in April 2014 covering 750 cook-cum-helpers Training for all cook-cum-helpers (124616) at Block level during May-June 2014 with support of IIHMR. TOT By Institute of Hotel management (IHM) covering 240 cook-cum-helpers in four districts. TOT By Akshaya Patra Foundation in three districts covering 120 cook-cum-helpers. 2. MIS Training ( Oct. 2013) ( Training for mid-day-meal-incharge and computer operators from all the districts.)

27 Other Initiatives 27 1 NUTRI-FARM Initiative with Maize & Bajra Recipes (Pilots ) 2 Organized: - Workshop: MDM-Effective Implementation - Workshop on MDM Menu Improvement 3 Guidelines Issued : Health Hygiene and Safety 4 Statewide Sudden Inspections (July,13 +Jan 14) 5 State Review Mission

28 School Health Programme
MDM- Rajasthan 28 Schools 77567 Children Vitamin A Tablets Health Check-Up 63790 Schools Covered Deworming Tablets 50473 Schools Covered School Health Programme Students Covered Students Covered April-December 2013 59289 Students Covered 14726 Schools Covered 109743 Spectacles Distributed Iron Folic Acid Tablets Students Covered

29 HEIGHT RECORDERS Schools Existing Required 85273 23888 61385
29 HEIGHT RECORDERS Schools Existing Required 85273 23888 61385 WEIGHING MACHINES Schools Existing Required 85273 49635 35638

30 5th GOI Joint Review Mission Recommendations
MDM-Rajasthan 30 5th GOI Joint Review Mission Recommendations Inspection & Monitoring of Transport Agency`s Godowns. Review Working of Akshaya Patra run Annapurna SHGs. RTGS/E-transfer to cut delays in payments of Honorarium to cook-cum-helpers. Enhance Teachers’ awareness about school health programme. Kitchen-cum-stores to be constructed on priority. Training & health check-up of cook-cum-helpers (CCHs). Setting Standards for hand-washing. Introducing flexible/optional menu at regional level. Use of Agmark certified cooking ingredients.

31 Innovative Practices Observed By 5th GOI Joint Review Mission
MDM-Rajasthan 31 Innovative Practices Observed By 5th GOI Joint Review Mission Sea-Saw Operated Hand Pump Soap Dispenser For Hand Washing Dining Hall- cum-Classroom



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