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Subsidence in Food Processing & Training Center, Sitapur Constructed by U.P. Project Corporation  Department had refused to take possession Worst Performing.

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Presentation on theme: "Subsidence in Food Processing & Training Center, Sitapur Constructed by U.P. Project Corporation  Department had refused to take possession Worst Performing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subsidence in Food Processing & Training Center, Sitapur Constructed by U.P. Project Corporation  Department had refused to take possession Worst Performing District : Sitapur Contd…

2 Failure to payback the first loan prevented loan disbursement to any other member, rendering the huge amount of revolving fund (Rs. 80.75 lakhs) unutilized. Consequently, not only this ambitious scheme failed measurably, but also blocked a substantial amount of RSVY fund. Objective: AI, Vaccination, balanced diet & better fodder species Coverage: 10 blocks (20 Nyay Panchayats) 40 Rearer Group/Nyay Panchayat; 1 Gopal Group/block Revolving Fund Rs. 10000/- per Rearer Group (Rs. 80 lakhs) Rs. 50000/- per Gopal Group (Rs. 5 lakhs) Gopal Yojna (Rs. 129.25 lakhs) Only 5% loan to be given at a time No further loan was allowed till the previous one is returned Worst Performing District : Sitapur


4 Major Bottlenecks  Lack of Proper Planning  Lack of community involvement  Overburdened staff  Delayed release of funds  Frequent transfers of key functionaries  Lack of inter-sectoral coordination

5 Lessons Learnt (Do’s & Don’ts)  Assigning works to non-specialized agencies  Use of inexperienced NGOs  Transfers of key functionaries during project period  Don’ts

6 Lessons Learnt (Do’s & Don’ts)  Need-based participatory planning  Community involvement at all stages  Use of professional agencies in planning  Dedicated staff for RSVY type programs  Improved co-ordination at all levels  Do’s

7 Lessons Learnt (Do’s & Don’ts)  Earmarking separate maintenance funds  Provision of social audit  Involvement of only competent NGOs  Proper MIS/record keeping  Do’s


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