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Status of the TTCE-EGSE and Power Supply Mauro Menichelli INFN Perugia.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the TTCE-EGSE and Power Supply Mauro Menichelli INFN Perugia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the TTCE-EGSE and Power Supply Mauro Menichelli INFN Perugia

2 Summary Status of the pump,valves and pressure sensors emulator Status of the heater and peltier emulator Status of the TTCE-EGSE System Short status report on tracker power supply

3 Status of the pump,valves and pressure sensors emulator H/W ready analog part tested firmware and software under developement

4 Pump,valves and pressure sensors emulator board

5 Status of the heater and peltier emulator H/W ready under analog test.

6 The power part I

7 The power part II

8 The readout part I

9 The readout part II

10 Status of the system I We are including the F/W and the S/W that controls the pump,valve and PS emulator in the controller board After the analog test we will start this F/W and S/W integration also for the heater and peltier emulator

11 Staus of the system II

12 Conclusions on TTCE-EGSE The hardware construction of the TTCE EGSE is finished The F/W and the S/W of the Pump,valves and pressure sensors emulator board is ongoing The test of the heater and peltier emulator has started Phase I completed by mid-february

13 Short status of tracker power supply FM under construction and test DC/DC converters for tracker S9051 (40/40 built 25 ready and tested) S9053 (20/20 built test is ongoing) S9055 (20/20 built test is ongoing) Linear regulator boards TPSFE (28/40 built and waiting for re-work) TBS (20/20 built and waiting for re-work)

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