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Lecture 8 Semantic Analysis
The Compiler So Far Lexical analysis
Detects inputs with illegal tokens Parsing Detects inputs with ill-formed parse trees Semantic analysis Last “front end” phase Catches all remaining errors
What’s Wrong? String y = “abc” ; y ++ ; Example 1 int y = x + 3;
Why a Separate Semantic Analysis?
Parsing cannot catch some errors Some language constructs are not context-free Example: All used variables must have been declared (i.e. scoping) ex: { int x { .. { .. x ..} ..} ..} Example: A method must be invoked with arguments of proper type (i.e. typing) ex: int f(int, int) {…} called by f(‘a’, 2.3, 1)
More problems require semantic analysis
Is x a scalar, an array, or a function? Is x declared before it is used? Is x defined before it is used? Are any names declared but not used? Which declaration of x does this reference? Is an expression type-consistent? Does the dimension of a reference match the declaration? Where can x be stored? (heap, stack, ) Does *p reference the result of a malloc()? Is an array reference in bounds? Does function foo produce a constant value?
Why is semantic analysis hard?
need non-local information answers depend on values, not on syntax answers may involve computation
How can we answer these questions?
1. use context-sensitive grammars (CSG) general problem is P-space complete 2. use attribute grammars(AG) augment context-free grammar with rules calculate attributes for grammar symbols 3. use ad hoc techniques augment grammar with arbitrary code execute code at corresponding reduction store information in attributes, symbol tables
Attribute Grammars A generalization of CFG
An attribute grammar is a context free grammar with associated attributes and semantic rules Each grammar symbol is associated with a set of attributes Each production is associated with a set of semantic rules for computing attributes Also called Syntax-directed Definition in Dragon book.
Dependences between attributes
Attribute values are computed from constants & other attributes synthesized attribute value computed from children [& constants] inherited attribute value computed from siblings & parent [& constants ] induce dependency graph among attributes of parse tree nodes.
Synthesized Attributes
Synthesized Attributes
Inherited Attributes
Inherited Attributes
Example attribute grammar A grammar to evaluate signed binary numbers
Production Evaluation Rules 1 NUM SIGN LIST LIST.pos = 0 NUM.val = SIGN.neg ? -LIST.val : LIST.val 2 SIGN SIGN.neg = false 3 SIGN SIGN.neg = true 4 LIST BIT BIT.pos = LIST.pos LIST.val = BIT.val 5 LIST LIST BIT LIST1.pos = LIST0.pos + 1 BIT.pos = LIST0.pos LIST0.val = LIST1.val + BIT.val 6 BIT BIT.val = 0 7 BIT 1 BIT.val = 2BIT.pos
Annotated Parse Tree
val and neg are synthesized
attributes pos is an inherited attribute Annotated Parse Tree and Dependency graph
Two Notations for AGs Syntax-Directed Definition
Syntax-directed Translation [Scheme]
Syntax-directed definition
Each grammar production A®a is associated with a set of semantic rules of the form b := f (c1, c2, …, ck) where f is a function and 1. b is a synthesized attribute of A and c1, c2, …, ck are attributes of grammar symbols in a, or 2. b is an inherited attribute of one of the grammar symbols in a and c1, c2, …, ck are attributes of A or grammar symbols in a
Dependencies of Attributes
• In the semantic rule b := f(c1, c2, …, ck) we say b depends on c1, c2, …, ck • The semantic rule b must be evaluated after the semantic rules for c1, c2, …, ck • The dependencies of attributes can be represented by a directed graph called dependency graph
Dependency Graph
Evaluatino Order Apply topological sort on dependency graph
a1 := float a2 := a1 addtype(a3, a2) /* a4 */ a5 := a2 addtype(a6, a5) /* a7 */ a8 := a5 addtype(a9, a8) /* a10 */
S-attributed Grammar S-attribute Grammar:
all attributes are synthesized attributes. can be evaluated in one-pass useful in many context. (e.g. Calculator) A good math to LR parsing.
L-attributed Grammar A syntax-directed definition is L-attributed if each attribute in each semantic rule for each production A ® X1 X2 … Xn is a synthesized attribute, or an inherited attribute of Xj, 1 £ j £ n, depending only on 1. the attributes of X1, X2, …, Xj-1 and/or 2. the inherited attributes of A
Counter Example
pros and cons of AGs advantages: clean formalism
automatic generation of evaluator high-level specification. Disadvantages efficiency determined by evaluation strategy increase space requirement circular testing handling non-local information
Syntax-directed Translation [scheme]
allow arbitrary actions can have global data structure can place actions among production
The definition A translation scheme is an attribute grammar in which semantic rules are enclosed between braces { and }, and are inserted within the right sides of productions The value of an attribute must be available when a semantic rule refers to it
Examples YACC A ::= B C { $$ = concat($1,$2); } CUP A ::= B:m C:p { RESULT = concat(m,p); } Typical uses build abstract syntax tree & symbol table perform error/type checking
Example D ® T { := T.type} L T ® int {T.type := integer}
T ® float {T.type := float} L ® { :=} L1 ‘,’ id {addtype(id.entry,} L ® id {addtype(id.entry,}
Restriction on translation scheme
An inherited attribute for a symbol on the right side must be computed in a semantic rule before that symbol A semantic rule must not refer to a synthesized attribute for a symbol to its right A synthesized attribute for the symbol on the left can be computed after all attributes it depends on have been computed
From L-Attributed Definitions to Translation Schemes
From L-Attributed Definitions to Translation Schemes
S ® { := 10} B { :=} B ® { :=} B1 { :=} B2 { := max(,} B ® { :=} B1 sub { := shrink(} B2 { := disp(,} B ® text { := ´}
Abstract syntax tree An abstract syntax tree is a condensed form of parse tree useful for representing constructs. usually a parse tree with the nodes for most non-terminal symbols removed. This represents “x - 2 * y”. can use a linearized (operator) form of the tree. x 2 y * in postfix form. A popular intermediate representation.
Scope Matching identifier declarations with uses
Important static analysis step in most languages
Scope (Cont.) The scope of an identifier is the portion of a program in which that identifier is accessible The same identifier may refer to different things in different parts of the program Different scopes for same name don’t overlap An identifier may have restricted scope
Static vs. Dynamic Scope
Most languages have static scope Scope depends only on the program text, not run-time behavior C and Java have static scope A few languages are dynamically scoped Lisp, SNOBOL Lisp has changed to mostly static scoping Scope depends on execution of the program
Static Scoping Example
{ int x = 0; x++; { int x = 1; x++; } }
Static Scoping Example (Cont.)
{ int x = 0; x++; { int x = 1; x++; } } Uses of x refer to closest enclosing definition
Dynamic Scope A dynamically-scoped variable refers to the closest enclosing binding in the execution of the program Example (defun g (y) (let (a 4) (f 3))); (defun f (x) a); (g 5) => 4
Symbol Tables Consider the block: B :{ int x = 0; Es} Idea:
Before processing Es, add definition of x to current definitions, overriding any other definition of x After processing Es, remove definition of x and restore old definition of x A symbol table is a data structure that tracks the current bindings of identifiers
Symbol tables A symbol table associates values or attributes (e.g., types and values) with names. What should be in a symbol table? variable and procedure names literal constants and strings
Symbol Tables What information might compiler need? textual name
data type declaring procedure lexical level of declaration if array, number and size of dimensions if procedure, number and type of parameters
Symbol Tables Implementation usually implemented as hash tables
How to handle nested lexical scoping? when we ask about a name, we want the closest lexical declaration One solution use one symbol table per scope tables chained to enclosing scopes insert names in table for current scope name lookup starts in current table if needed, checks enclosing scopes in order
tables scopes A TA B1 TB1 TB2 C TC B2
Imperative-style Symbol Table
beginScope() start a new nested scope endScope() exit current scope addSymbol(x, value) add a symbol x to the table Object lookup(x) finds current x (or null) checkScope(x) true if x defined in current scope (needed for checking duplicate declarations in the same scope)
class SymbolTable class SymbolTabe {
static class Entry { Symbol id; Object value; int scope; Entry(…){…} } private Map map = new HashMap(); private int curScope; … private Stack stack = new Stack(); lookup(Symbol s) { Entry e = (Entry) map.get(s) ; if( e == null) return null; else return e.value; } checkScope(x) { if( e == null) return null; else return e.scope = curScope; } beginScope() { curScope++; push(null); } endScope() { for( Symbol s = (Symbol) pop(); s != null ; s = (Symbol) pop() ) map.delete(s); curScope--; } addSymbol(Symbol x, Object v) { assert lookup(x) == null; push(x) ; map.add(x,v); }… … }
Types What is a type? The notion varies from language to language
Consensus A set of values A set of operations on those values Classes are one instantiation of the modern notion of type
Why Do We Need Type Systems?
Consider the assembly language fragment addi r1, r2, r3 What are the types of r1, r2, r3?
Types and Operations Certain operations are legal for values of each type It doesn’t make sense to add a function pointer and an integer in C It does make sense to add two integers But both have the same assembly language implementation!
Type Systems A language’s type system specifies which operations are valid for which types The goal of type checking is to ensure that operations are used with the correct types Enforces intended interpretation of values, because nothing else will! Type systems provide a concise formalization of the semantic checking rules
What Can Types do For Us? Can detect certain kinds of errors :
“abc” ++ ; x = ar[ “abc”] ; int x = “abc” ; Memory errors: Reading from an invalid pointer, etc. int x[50] ; x[50] = 3; expressiveness (overloading, polymorphism) help determine which methods/constructors would be invoked. Ex: add(Complex, Complex), add(int,int), add(String,String),.. add(23,14) => add(int, int) invoked provide information for code generation ex: memory size
Type Checking Overview
Three kinds of languages: Statically typed: All or almost all checking of types is done as part of compilation (C, Java, Cool) Dynamically typed: Almost all checking of types is done as part of program execution (Scheme) Untyped: No type checking (machine code)
Pros and cons Static typing:
catches many programming errors at compile time Avoids overhead of runtime type checks Dynamic typing: Static type systems are restrictive Rapid prototyping easier in a dynamic type system
The practice Most code is written in statically typed languages with an “escape” mechanism Unsafe casts in C, Java (Person) malloc(1024) // c Object x = …; Person p = (Person) x; // Java It’s debatable whether this compromise represents the best or worst of both worlds
Type systems Types A type is a set of values that share a set of common properties. e.g. : int, InputStream, String, … Defined by language (built-in types) and/or programmer (user-defined types) Types are represented by type expressions Type system 1. A set of types in a programming language, and 2. a collection of rules for assigning types to the various parts of a program A type checker enforces a type system on users’ programs
Type Systems (continued)
Example type rules E1 and E2 are of the type int ==> E1+E2 is of the type int. x = E ==> x and E must have the same type.
Type checking Type checker enforces rules of type system
may be strong/weak, static/dynamic Static type checking performed at compile time early detection, no run-time overhead not always possible (e.g., A[i]) Dynamic type checking performed at run time more flexible, rapid prototyping overhead to check run-time type tags
Type expressions Type expressions (v.s. value expressions)
used to represent the type of a language construct describes both language and programmer types Examples basic types: int, float, char, ... constructed types: arrays, records, pointers, functions,...
Type Expressions A basic type is a type expression
boolean, char, integer, real, void, typeError A type constructor applied to type expressions is a type expression array: array(I, T) record: T1 x T2 x …x Tn pointer: pointer(T) function: D R
Type Expressions Constructing new types, if T, T1,…, Tn are type expressions, I an non-negative integer then array(I, T) // array type T1 x T2 x … x Tn // record type pointer(T) // pointer T1 x T2 x …x Tn T // funciton are type expressions
A simple type checker Using a synthesized attribute grammar, we will describe a type checker for arrays, pointers, statements, and functions. Grammar for source language: P D ; S D D ; D | id: T T char | integer | array [num] of T | * T E literal | num | id | E mod E | E[E] | E * S id = E; | if E then S | while E do S | S ; S
Basic types char, integer, typeError
assume all arrays start at 1, e.g., array [256] of char results in the type expression array(256,char) * builds a pointer type, so * integer results in the type expression pointer(integer)
Type Declarations D id: T { addType(id.entry, T.type) }
T char { T.type = char } T integer { T.type = integer } T * T1 { T.type = pointer(T1.type) } T array [num] of T1 { T.type = array(num.val, T1.type) }
Type checking of expressions
E literal { E.type = char } E num { E.type = int } E id { E.type = lookup(id.entry) } E E1 mod E2 { E.type = (E1.type == int and E2.type == int ) ? int : typeError } E E1 [ E2 ] {E.type = ( E1.type == array(s, t) and E2.type == int)? t : typeError} E * E1 {E.type := (E1.type == pointer(t))? t :typeError}
Type checking of Statements
P D “;” S S id “=” E {S.type = (lookup(id.entry) == E.type) ? void : typeError} S if E then S1 {S.type = (E.type == boolean)? S1.type : typeError} S while E do S1 {S.type := (E.type == boolean) ? S1.type else typeError} S S1 “;” S2 {S.type := (S1.type == void and S2.type == void)? void : typeError}
Type Checking of Functions
T ® T1 ® T2 {T.type := T1.type ® T2 .type} E ® E1 ( E2 ) {E.type := (E1.type == (s ® t and E2.type == s )? t : typeError}
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