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Español II- Ch 4 Past Participles Verbs have a form called the past participle, which can be used as an adjective. You can use it to describe a condition.

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Presentation on theme: "Español II- Ch 4 Past Participles Verbs have a form called the past participle, which can be used as an adjective. You can use it to describe a condition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Español II- Ch 4 Past Participles Verbs have a form called the past participle, which can be used as an adjective. You can use it to describe a condition or an injury to a part of the body.

2 Example- Torcer (to sprain) Me torci el tobillo. (used as a verb) I sprained my ankle. Tengo el tobillo torcido. – My ankle is sprained. (past participle of torcer as an adjective) When used as adjectives, participles must agree with noun in number & gender.

3 Forming past participles -ar verbs Drop the –ar and add -ADO -er and –ir verbs Drop the –er or –ir and add -IDO

4 Examples - -AR verbs 1.Hinchar- hinchado- (swollen) 2.Cortar - cortado - (cut) 3.Infectar - infectado- (infected) 4.Quemar- quemado - (burned) 5.Vendar – vendado- (bandaged, wrapped)

5 -er and –ir verbs 1.Torcer – torcido- (twisted) 2.Herir – herido- (hurt) ****Irregular**** 3. Romper – roto- (broken) 4. Abrir – abierto- (open)

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