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Bully Survey September 2012. Survey Numbers Grade 8144 Students Grade 7143 Students Grade 6131 Students Grade 5142 Students Total Students= 560 Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Bully Survey September 2012. Survey Numbers Grade 8144 Students Grade 7143 Students Grade 6131 Students Grade 5142 Students Total Students= 560 Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bully Survey September 2012

2 Survey Numbers Grade 8144 Students Grade 7143 Students Grade 6131 Students Grade 5142 Students Total Students= 560 Students

3 How many Riverview students knew the definition of Bullying? A. 379 B. 464 C. 521 D. 227 Jeopardy Music

4 B. 464 Bullying is when a person is repeatedly bothered (physically, verbally, and/or emotionally) by another person or group of people, and has a hard time defending himself or herself?

5 In the past month, how many Riverview students have been bullied on school property? A.56 B.89 C.141 D.286

6 C. 141 51 Eighth Graders 34 Seventh Graders 25 Sixth Graders 31 Fifth Graders Total Students= 141 Students

7 How many Riverview students do not know if teachers or other adults at school try to stop bullying? A.274 B.357 C.411 D.501

8 A. 274 66 Eighth Grad ers 60 Seventh Graders 52 Sixth Graders 96 Fifth Graders Total Students= 274 Students

9 How many Riverview students reported to have taken part in bullying at school? A.0 B.13 C.49 D.72

10 B. 13 6 Eighth Graders 3 Seventh Graders 3 Sixth Graders 1 Fifth Grader Total Students= 13 Students There were also 53 Riverview students that were not sure if they had bullied.

11 How many Riverview students feel bullying is a problem? A.79 B.134 C.162 D.171

12 58 Eighth Graders 33 Seventh Graders 42 Sixth Graders 38 Fifth Graders Total Students= 171 Students Also, 233 Riverview students were not sure.

13 Riverview’s Anti- Bullying Pledge

14 The Pledge… We believe that everybody should enjoy our school equally, and feel safe, secure and accepted regardless of color, race, gender, popularity, athletic ability, intelligence, religion and nationality. Bullying can be pushing, shoving, hitting, and spitting, as well as name calling, picking on, making fun of, laughing at, and excluding someone. Bullying causes pain and stress to victims and is never justified or excusable as "kids being kids," "just teasing" or any other rationalization. The victim is never responsible for being a target of bullying. Bullying involves an imbalance of power such as a group of children ganging up on one child or someone who is physically bigger or more aggressive than another person. Bully behavior is repeated or has potential to be repeated. It is not an everyday conflict that may occur once in a while.

15 1. Value student differences and treat others with respect. 2. Not become involved in bullying incidents or be a bully. 3. Be aware of the school's policies and support system with regard to bullying. 4. Report honestly and immediately all incidents of bullying to a faculty member. 5. I understand that choosing to ignore bullying by others makes me just as guilty as the bully. 6. Be alert in places around the school where there is less adult supervision such as bathrooms, corridors, and stairwells. 7. Support students who have been or are subjected to bullying. 8. Talk to teachers and parents about concerns and issues regarding bullying. 9. Work with other students and faculty, to help the school deal with bullying effectively. 10. Encourage teachers to discuss bullying issues in the classroom. 11. Be a good role model for all students and support them if bullying occurs. 12. Participate fully and contribute to assemblies dealing with bullying.

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