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The Upside and Downside of Restoring and Maintaining Church Health ©Matthew ThomasPermission to use freely granted upon request.

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Presentation on theme: "The Upside and Downside of Restoring and Maintaining Church Health ©Matthew ThomasPermission to use freely granted upon request."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Upside and Downside of Restoring and Maintaining Church Health ©Matthew ThomasPermission to use freely granted upon request.

2 Common Threats to Church Health:  Power and control issues.  Conflicting beliefs and practices.  Relational issues.  Structural problems.

3 The Upside in Addressing Church Unhealth: 1.Resolving unhealth removes the biggest obstacle to experiencing God's favor, community attraction and growth. 2.Resolving unhealth is the surest path to church unity although it seems to be surest path to disunity and division. 3.Resolving unhealth gives priority to purpose and adds clarity to mission.

4 The Upside... 4.Resolving unhealth eliminates the power and influence of destructive people and forces. 5.Resolving unhealth opens up full empowerment of the gifted and skilled.

5 The Downside to Addressing Church Unhealth: 1.Resolving unhealth is difficult and requires resolve of leadership. 2.Resolving unhealth requires confrontation which seems contrary to the Christian commitment to love, forgive and nurture. 3.Resolving unhealth requires commitment to do what is right and just without being primarily motivated by expected outcomes. 4.Resolving unhealth often leads to fracture and departure of loved friends and systems.

6 Basic Steps to Dealing with Unhealth: 1.Discern the core issues. 2.Validate your perspective through objective means. 3.Address the core issues with all parties affected. 4.Do not use general terms, public protection or forum (bully pulpit) to correct error. 5.Make sure there is no hypocrisy or duplicity in the issues you are addressing.

7 Basic Steps to Dealing with Unhealth: 6.Forgiveness of the repentant is key to the restoration of health. 7.Set the appropriate course for correction with clear, achievable goals. 8.Monitor progress; regularly reward or acknowledge progress; and, consistently address failings or problems. 9.Keep the main purpose and mission of the church central.

8 Basic Steps to Dealing with Unhealth: 10.Be confidential with confidential matters and take the high road of kindness. 11.Bring in an outside authority if it is warranted. 12.Maintain consistency until resolution occurs. 13.Record all communications. 14.Pray throughout all dealing, seeking the Spirit's aid. 15.Remain humble and teachable.

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