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Boundless Lecture Slides Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Available on the Boundless Teaching Platform.

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1 Boundless Lecture Slides Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Available on the Boundless Teaching Platform

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4 Architecture and the Corinthian Order Sculpture Pergamon Money and Fashion: The Commissions of Roman Patrons The Hellenistic Period Ancient Greece > The Hellenistic Period Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at history?campaign_content=book_5835_section_56&campaign_term=Art+History&utm_campaign=powerpoint&utm_medium=direct&utm_source= boundless

5 Hellenistic architecture, in a manner similar to Hellenistic sculpture, focused on theatricality, drama, and the experience of the viewer. Public spaces and temples were created with the people in mind, and so were built on a new monumental scale. Stoas were colonnade porticos that were used to define public space and protect patrons from the elements. Stoas are often found around a city's agora, turning the city's central place for civic, administrative, and market elements into a grand space. The Temple of Apollo at Didyma was an oracle site with an ambitious building plan that was never completed. Its plan consisted of a double colonnade of massively tall columns that engulfed the viewer in dark corridors before opening into a bright courtyard and the shrine to god. The Corinthian order was developed during the Hellenistic period. The columnar style of the order is similar in many ways to the Ionic order except for the column's capital which is vegetal and lush. A double layer of acanthus leaves line the basket from which stylized stems and volutes emerge. Architecture and the Corinthian Order Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at 9780205744206/ancient-greece-5/the-hellenistic-period-56/architecture-and-the-corinthian-order-304- 5715?campaign_content=book_5835_section_56&campaign_term=Art+History&utm_campaign=powerpoint&utm_medium=direct&utm_source=bo undless Restored Stoa of Attalos View on Ancient Greece > The Hellenistic Period

6 Hellenistic sculpture takes the naturalism of the body's form and expression to level of hyper-realism where the expression of the sculpture's face and body elicit an emotional response. The sculptures are full of pathos and drama and no longer focus on the ideal. Drama and pathos are new factors in Hellenistic sculpture. Figures are crafted and carved to cause an immediate emotional response from the viewer. The style of the sculpting is often exaggerated and details are emphasized to add a new heightened level of motion and pathos. New compositions and states of mind are explored in Hellenistic sculptures including old age, drunkenness, sleep, agony, and despair. Portraiture also becomes popular in this period and figures are no longer idealized, but represented as they are with all their imperfections. Sculpture Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at 9780205744206/ancient-greece-5/the-hellenistic-period-56/sculpture-305- 10992?campaign_content=book_5835_section_56&campaign_term=Art+History&utm_campaign=powerpoint&utm_medium=direct&utm_source=b oundless Nike of Samothrace View on Ancient Greece > The Hellenistic Period

7 Pergamon was the capital city of the Kingdom of Pergamon which was ruled by the Attalids in the centuries following the death of Alexander the Great. The Acropolis of Pergamon is famous for its monumental architecture. Most of the buildings commanded a great view of the surrounding countryside and together create a dramatic public space. The Altar of Zeus at Pergamon was a monumental u-shaped Ionic building that stood on a high platform and was accessed by a wide set of stairs. Besides its dramatic architecture, the Altar is known for its gigantomachy frieze and statues of defeated Gauls. The gigantomachy frieze represents the full blossoming of Hellenistic sculpture. The figures are chiastic and dramatic and the scenes are full of tension. They are carved in high relief with deep drilling that allows for a play of light and shadows that increases the naturalism of the figures. The statue group of the Dying Gauls depicts a defeated trumpeter and a Gallic chief killing himself and his wife. The figures, while enemies Pergamon, are depicted with incredible pathos and heroics to demonstrate their worthiness as adversaries and empower the Attalid victors. Pergamon Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at 9780205744206/ancient-greece-5/the-hellenistic-period-56/pergamon-306- 10994?campaign_content=book_5835_section_56&campaign_term=Art+History&utm_campaign=powerpoint&utm_medium=direct&utm_source=b oundless Plan of the Altar of Zeus View on Ancient Greece > The Hellenistic Period

8 Romans were not only attracted to Greek culture and art, but readily bought copies of famous Greek sculptures and commissioned originals by contemporary Greek artists. This helped the Greek Hellenistic style to travel and spread throughout the Mediterranean. The statue of Laocoön displays a dramatic composition of the last moments of Laocoön and his sons as they were tortured and killed by serpents. The figures are expressive and the composition is dramatic. Laocoön establishes the tension through his chiastic body position. His face, and that of his sons, depict terror and agony, expressions reflected in their bodies. The scene immediately elicits an emotional response from the viewer, including pity, horror, and fear. The Farnese Bull is another example of a Roman commission. The colossal sculpture was carved from a single block of marble and depicts the tragic end of Dirce's life. The large scale allows viewers to approach the narrative from all sides, which slowly reveals the varied emotions of each figure. Money and Fashion: The Commissions of Roman Patrons Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at 9780205744206/ancient-greece-5/the-hellenistic-period-56/money-and-fashion-the-commissions-of-roman-patrons-307- 8030?campaign_content=book_5835_section_56&campaign_term=Art+History&utm_campaign=powerpoint&utm_medium=direct&utm_source=bo undless Laocoön View on Ancient Greece > The Hellenistic Period

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10 Key terms acanthus An ornament resembling the foliage or leaves of Acanthus spinosus, and used in the capitals of the Corinthian and composite orders. colonnade a series of columns at regular intervals colossal Extremely large or on a great scale. dipteral Having a double row of columns on each on the flanks, as well as in front and rear, often said of a temple. Gaul A person from Gaul, a region roughly correspond to modern France and Belgium. orthogonal in linear perspective drawing, the diagonal line pointing to the vanishing point; sometimes referred to as vanishing or convergence line pathos That quality or property of anything which touches the feelings or excites emotions and passions, esp., that which awakens tender emotions, such as pity, sorrow, and the like; contagious warmth of feeling, action, or expression; pathetic quality. satyr A male companion of Pan or Dionysus with the tail of a horse and a perpetual erection. Also known as a faun. stoa In Ancient Greece, a walkway with a roof supported by colonnades, often with a wall on one side; a portico. torc ("necklace") volute the spiral curve on an Ionic capital Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Ancient Greece

11 Altar of Zeus Altar of Zeus. Marble. Cal. 175 BCE. Original from Bergama, Turkey now in Berlin, Germany. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Berlin - Pergamonmuseum - Altar 01." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

12 Nereus, Doris, a giant, and Oceanus. Nereus, Doris, a giant, and Oceanus. Marble. Ca. 175 BCE. From the north frieze of the Altar of Zeus, Bergama, Turkey. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Nereus, Doris, Okeanos Pergamonaltar." CC BY-SA,_Doris,_Okeanos_Pergamonaltar_.JPG View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA,_Doris,_Okeanos_Pergamonaltar_.JPGView on Ancient Greece

13 Athena and Alkyoneos Athen and Alkyoneos. Marble. Ca. 175 BCE. From east frieze of the Altar of Zeus, Bargama, Turkey. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikipedia. "Pergamonmuseum - Antikensammlung - Pergamonaltar 13." CC BY-SA _Pergamonaltar_13.jpg View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA _Pergamonaltar_13.jpgView on Ancient Greece

14 Farnese Bull Apollonius and Tauriscus of Tralles, Rhodes. Farnese Bull. Marble. Ca. 200-180 BCE. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikipedia. "Toro farnese." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

15 Dying Gaul Epigonos. Dying Gaul. Roman marble copy of Greek bronze original ca. 230-220 BCE. Pergamon, Turkey. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Dying gaul." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

16 Nike of Samothrace Marble. ca. 190 BCE. Samothrace, Greece. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Nike of Samothrake Louvre Ma2369." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

17 Venus de Milo by Alexandros of Antioch. Marble. Ca. 130-100 BCE. Melos, Greece. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Aphrodite of Milos." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

18 Corinthian Capital Corinthian Capital. Marble. Ca. 14 BCE. Odeon of Agrippa, Agora, Athens, Greece. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Corinthian Capital Agora." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

19 Detail of Laocoön's face Agesander, Athenodoros, and Polydorus of Rhodes. Deatil of Laocoön's face. Marble. Early first century BCE. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Laocoon Pio-Clementino Inv1059-1064-1067 n6." CC BY-SA 1067_n6.jpg View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA 1067_n6.jpgView on Ancient Greece

20 Plan and Elevation of the Temple of Apollo Plan and elevation of the Temple of Apollo. Begun ca. 313 BCE. Didyma, Turkey. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Hypaethraltempel." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

21 Restored Stoa of Attalos The restored Stoa of Attalos. Marble. Ca. 150 BCE. Agora, Athens, Greece. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikipedia. "Stoa in Athens." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

22 Drunken Old Woman Roman marble copy after Greek original by Myron ca. 200-180 BCE. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Bebada2." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

23 Plan of the Altar of Zeus Plan of the Altar of Zeus. Ca. 175 BCE. Bergama, Turkey. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikipedia. "Grundriss-Pergamonlatar rotate." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

24 Seated Boxer Bronze. Ca. 100-50 BCE. Rome, Italy. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Thermae boxer Massimo Inv1055." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

25 Temple of Apollo Temple of Apollo. Begun ca. 313 BCE. Didyma, Turkey. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Didyma." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

26 Demosthenes Portrait bust, Roman copy after Greek bronze original by Polyeuktos ca. 280 BCE. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Demosthenes Chiaramonti Inv1555." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

27 Barberini Faun Or Sleeping Satyr, Roman marble copy of Greek bronze original ca. 220 BCE. Rome, Italy. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Barberini Faun front Glyptothek Munich 218 n1." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

28 Laocoön Agesander, Athenodoros, and Polydorus of Rhodes. Laocoön. Marble. Early first century BCE. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikipedia. "Laocoon Pio-Clementino Inv1059-1064-1067." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on Ancient Greece

29 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Ancient Greece Complete the following sentence: The Corinthian order is similar in many ways to the Ionic order except ___________. A) the column's capital is vegetal and lush. B) the columns are slender and fluted. C) the columns sit atop a base. D) the use of columns is much more prevalent.

30 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Ancient Greece Complete the following sentence: The Corinthian order is similar in many ways to the Ionic order except ___________. A) the column's capital is vegetal and lush. B) the columns are slender and fluted. C) the columns sit atop a base. D) the use of columns is much more prevalent.

31 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Ancient Greece How did Hellenistic sculpture differ from Classical sculpture in ancient Greece? A) Hellenistic sculpture is much more somber than Classical. B) Hellenistic sculpture depicts themes of religious piety. C) Hellenistic sculpture was limited to houses of religious worship. D) Hellenistic sculpture embraced drama, pathos, theatricality, and a new level of naturalism.

32 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Ancient Greece How did Hellenistic sculpture differ from Classical sculpture in ancient Greece? A) Hellenistic sculpture is much more somber than Classical. B) Hellenistic sculpture depicts themes of religious piety. C) Hellenistic sculpture was limited to houses of religious worship. D) Hellenistic sculpture embraced drama, pathos, theatricality, and a new level of naturalism.

33 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Ancient Greece In addition to themes of sexuality and drama, Hellenistic sculpture depicted which of the following? A) betrayal B) drunkenness C) religious ceremony D) infidelity

34 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Ancient Greece In addition to themes of sexuality and drama, Hellenistic sculpture depicted which of the following? A) betrayal B) drunkenness C) religious ceremony D) infidelity

35 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Ancient Greece The statue group of the Dying Gauls depicts a Gallic chief killing himself and his wife, alongside a defeated trumpeter. Which Hellenistic theme does this reflect? A) pathos and heroics B) all of these answers C) emotion and tension D) drama and theatricality

36 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Ancient Greece The statue group of the Dying Gauls depicts a Gallic chief killing himself and his wife, alongside a defeated trumpeter. Which Hellenistic theme does this reflect? A) pathos and heroics B) all of these answers C) emotion and tension D) drama and theatricality

37 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Ancient Greece Which of the following is an example of Greek art that was commissioned by Roman patrons? A) both of these answers B) the marble statue of Laocoön C) the Farnese Bull D) neither of these answers

38 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Ancient Greece Which of the following is an example of Greek art that was commissioned by Roman patrons? A) both of these answers B) the marble statue of Laocoön C) the Farnese Bull D) neither of these answers

39 Attribution Wikipedia. "Hellenistic art." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Stoa of Attalos." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Classical order." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Corinthian order." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Temple of Apollo (Didyma)." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "orthogonal." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "volute." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "colonnade." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "dipteral." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "stoa." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "acanthus." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Stoa." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Laocoön and His Sons." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Farnese Bull." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "colossal." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Winged Victory of Samothrace." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Hellenistic art." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Ancient Greece

40 Wikipedia. "Ancient Greek art." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Demosthenes." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Venus de Milo." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Barberini Faun." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "pathos." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "satyr." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Pergamon." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Dying Gaul." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "torc." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "Gaul." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Pergamon Altar." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Ancient Greece

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