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All Saints Vestry Retreat April 24, 2010. All Saints Vestry Retreat Think boldly, but remember…

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1 All Saints Vestry Retreat April 24, 2010

2 All Saints Vestry Retreat Think boldly, but remember…

3 All Saints Vestry Retreat Deliverables RRRReaffirm our Mission and Vision DDDDefine and Understand our Customer(s) UUUUnderstand what the Customer Values IIIIdentify 3-5 Goals DDDDevelop objectives and tactics to accomplish goals MMMMonitor progress – time bound DDDDefine results qualitative & quantitative

4 Mission vs Vision Statements tells you the fundamental purpose of the organization. It defines the customer and the critical processes. It informs you of the desired level of performance. Vision = “A photograph in words of your organization’s future” outlines what the organization wants to be, or how it wants the world in which it operates to be. It concentrates on the future. It is a source of inspiration. It provides clear decision-making criteria. Mission = “Why do we exist?” All Saints Vestry Retreat

5 All Saints Vestry Retreat Mission vs Vision Statements Mission Statements: To refresh the world To inspire moments of optimism and happiness… To create value and make a difference "to become a leading global provider of networked consumer electronics, entertainment and services."

6 All Saints Vestry Retreat Mission vs Vision Statements Vision Statements: “ Become #1 or #2 in every market we serve and revolutionize this company to have the speed and agility of a small enterprise.” Jack Welch, GE

7 All Saints Vestry Retreat What is our Mission?  State our reason for being ?  Have deep meaning ?  State “What we want to be remembered for ?”  Reflect opportunity, competence and commitment? ” “To Know Christ and to Make Him Known” Does our current mission statement:

8 The Mission of All Saints is… “To Know Christ and to ” Make Him Known” approved All Saints Vestry Retreat

9 The Mission of All Saints is… Home work assignment For the next vestry meeting, come prepared to present the mission statement of your sweeps area The mission of the _________ committee is to Know Christ and make Him known It’s a pretty simple template by through with using Five to seven word phrase All Saints Vestry Retreat

10 What is our Vision?  June 2015  Faithful to God’s call  What do you “see”?  How do you translate what you “see” into a Vision statement so others can see it?   Prayer by Rick – Glory to God …   Quiet introspection and prayer All Saints Vestry Retreat

11 Who is our Customer ? When this question is answered, we will define our customer as one who…  Values what we provide.  Wants what we offer.  Feels it’s important to them. Who must be satisfied for us to fulfill our vision? All Saints Vestry Retreat

12 Who is our Customer ? Who is / are All Saints external Customer(s)? Who is / are All Saints internal Customer(s)? Current Parishioners Staff Potential Parishioners Outreach Recipients Clergy Local Community Dioceses Bank Service Providers Episcopal Relief Vestry Committees Small group break out All Saints Vestry Retreat

13 Who is our Customer ? The All Saints Customer(s) is / are: Group 1: Group 2: Group 3: Who must be satisfied for us to fulfill our vision? Who: Values what we provide? Values what we provide? Wants what we offer? Wants what we offer? Feels it’s important to them? Feels it’s important to them? Results from small group break out All Saints Vestry Retreat

14 Okay if our customer is _______ What is the Vision of ASEC ? Vision = “A photograph in words of your organization’s future” outlines what the organization wants to be, or how it wants the world in which it operates to be. It concentrates on the future. It is a source of inspiration. It provides clear decision- making criteria. I the next five years… By 2017….. All Saints Vestry Retreat

15 What are our goals? (Good is the enemy of the great) B HA G In five years we will have accomplished 3-5 All Saints Vestry Retreat ig airy udacious oals

16 BHAGs Examples of some bhags…. “to democratize the automobile” HENRY FORD "that this Nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth.“ John F Kennedy

17 BHAGs Best At MostPassionate TimeTreasureTalent SweetSpot Key Question: Will the accomplishment of these goals transform lives and communities? For our Audacious goals to have a chance of success they must hit the sweet spot All Saints Vestry Retreat

18 BHAG s to accomplish our vision (Start with ACTS as a jumping off point?) 12345 Attract people to the gospel, through our ministry and our worship; Connect people to God and each other; Teach and equip people to become better disciples; and Send ourselves into the world to help heal the hurts and make real the hopes that are there. All Saints Vestry Retreat

19 Objectives, Tactics & measurements For each goal what are:  Objectives  Tactics  Qualitative measurements  Quantitative measurements (smart) Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-bound All Saints Vestry Retreat

20 All Saints Vestry Retreat Deliverables – did we do it? RRRReaffirm our Mission and Vision DDDDefine and Understand our Customer(s) UUUUnderstand what the Customer Values IIIIdentify 3-5 Goals DDDDevelop objectives and tactics to accomplish goals MMMMonitor progress – time bound DDDDefine results qualitative & quantitative

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