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Post Graduation Plans Questionnaire Disciplinary Division Summary SL, Academic Planning and Analysis, August 2011.

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1 Post Graduation Plans Questionnaire Disciplinary Division Summary SL, Academic Planning and Analysis, August 2011

2 Started in 2008-09 (with December 2008 graduates). The survey has evolved since that point. Meets VSA/College Portrait reporting requirements and potentially meets federal reporting requirements. An e-mail request is sent near the end of the fall or spring semester to students who intend to graduate. Survey is available via a portlet in the MyUW portal. Asks questions regarding future plans and a self-assessment of learning outcomes. Results tabulated after degrees are posted (October), responses may be matched to degree recipients. Summary reports available by late fall. Special reports are available by request. Data is also available through the Data Warehouse/InfoAccess. Post Graduation Plans What is the Post Graduation Plans Questionnaire?

3 Other includes: graduate school part-time, additional coursework, military service, volunteering, and unspecified activities. Based on 439 responses (32% response rate) SL, Academic Planning and Analysis, 8/11 Source: Post Graduation Plans Questionnaire Responses) Work Full-Time Work Part-Time Graduate School Full-Time Other Have accepted a position Considering one or more offers Currently searching for a position Will begin searching for a position after graduation Do you plan to work in Wisconsin after graduation? Yes Undecided No Based on 191 responses (91% response rate among those with work as their primary activity) “Do you have a valid passport?” Yes, from the United States Yes, from another country No Post Graduation Plans – Biological Sciences Division Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 Bachelor’s Degree Recipients What is most likely to be your principal activity/activities after graduation? (Unduplicated) If employment selected, which best describes your plans at this time? Based on 417 responses (31% response rate)

4 Other includes: graduate school part-time, additional coursework, military service, volunteering, and unspecified activities. Based on 367 responses (26% response rate) Based on 356 responses (25% response rate) Work Full-Time Work Part-Time Graduate School Full-Time Other Have accepted a position Considering one or more offers Currently searching for a position Will begin searching for a position after graduation Do you plan to work in Wisconsin after graduation? Yes Undecided No Based on 211 responses (89% response rate among those with work as their primary activity) “Do you have a valid passport?” Yes, from the United States Yes, from another country No Post Graduation Plans – Arts and Humanities Division Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 Bachelor’s Degree Recipients If employment selected, which best describes your plans at this time? What is most likely to be your principal activity/activities after graduation? (Unduplicated) SL, Academic Planning and Analysis, 8/11 Source: Post Graduation Plans Questionnaire Responses)

5 Other includes: graduate school part-time, additional coursework, military service, volunteering, and unspecified activities. Based on 382 responses (43% response rate) Based on 362 responses (40% response rate) Work Full-Time Work Part-Time Graduate School Full-Time Other Have accepted a position Considering one or more offers Currently searching for a position Will begin searching for a position after graduation Do you plan to work in Wisconsin after graduation? Yes Undecided No “Do you have a valid passport?” Yes, from the United States Yes, from another country No Post Graduation Plans – Physical Sciences Division Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 Bachelor’s Degree Recipients If employment selected, which best describes your plans at this time? What is most likely to be your principal activity/activities after graduation? (Unduplicated) SL, Academic Planning and Analysis, 8/11 Source: Post Graduation Plans Questionnaire Responses) Based on 246 responses (93% response rate among those with work as their primary activity)

6 Other includes: graduate school part-time, additional coursework, military service, volunteering, and unspecified activities. Based on 801 responses (30% response rate) Based on 763 responses (28% response rate) Work Full-Time Work Part-Time Graduate School Full-Time Other Have accepted a position Considering one or more offers Currently searching for a position Will begin searching for a position after graduation Do you plan to work in Wisconsin after graduation? Yes Undecided No “Do you have a valid passport?” Yes, from the United States Yes, from another country No Post Graduation Plans – Social Studies Division Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 Bachelor’s Degree Recipients If employment selected, which best describes your plans at this time? What is most likely to be your principal activity/activities after graduation? (Unduplicated) SL, Academic Planning and Analysis, 8/11 Source: Post Graduation Plans Questionnaire Responses) Based on 557 responses (93% response rate among those with work as their primary activity)

7 Eighteen questions that provide a self- assessment at graduation, that maps to the essential learning outcomes at UW-Madison. Respondents asked to assess their ability upon entering UW-Madison and at graduation. Results are tabulated as the non-null average for each question Post Graduation Plans – Essential Learning Outcomes



10 Post Graduation Plans – Biological Sciences Division “How able were/are you to …” SL, Academic Planning and Analysis, 8/11 Scale: 1 –Not at all, 2 –A little, 3 –Somewhat, 4 –Very, 5 –Extremely Responses sorted clockwise from the question with the highest response score at graduation for all UW-Madison students. Based on 423 to 431 responses, depending on question.

11 Post Graduation Plans – Arts and Humanities Division “How able were/are you to …” SL, Academic Planning and Analysis, 8/11 Scale: 1 –Not at all, 2 –A little, 3 –Somewhat, 4 –Very, 5 –Extremely Responses sorted clockwise from the question with the highest response score at graduation for all UW-Madison students. Based on 398 to 407 responses, depending on question.

12 Post Graduation Plans – Physical Sciences Division “How able were/are you to …” SL, Academic Planning and Analysis, 8/11 Scale: 1 –Not at all, 2 –A little, 3 –Somewhat, 4 –Very, 5 –Extremely Responses sorted clockwise from the question with the highest response score at graduation for all UW-Madison students. Based on 366 to 375 responses, depending on question.

13 Post Graduation Plans – Social Studies Division “How able were/are you to …” SL, Academic Planning and Analysis, 8/11 Scale: 1 –Not at all, 2 –A little, 3 –Somewhat, 4 –Very, 5 –Extremely Responses sorted clockwise from the question with the highest response score at graduation for all UW-Madison students. Based on 883 to 903 responses, depending on question.

14 Post Graduation Plans – Accessing the Data Data is available at Data warehouse users can request access to the data view or basic queries are available in the Query Library. For additional information, contact Sara Lazenby in Academic Planning and Analysis at

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