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1 ICPS Training & Practice for Educators & Teachers #3 - Feelings.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ICPS Training & Practice for Educators & Teachers #3 - Feelings."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ICPS Training & Practice for Educators & Teachers #3 - Feelings

2 2 Key Components of ICPS Vocabulary Words Feelings—most important question in dialoguing: “How do you feel when…?” Alternatives—coming up with solutions: “Can you think of something different to do when…?” Consequences—develop empathy through awareness of other’s feelings: “What might happen if…?”, “Is _____ a good idea or not a good idea?”

3 3 ICPS Feeling Words Happy Sad Angry Afraid Proud Frustrated Impatient Worried Relieved

4 4 Feeling Words Did anything happen today that made you feel HAPPY, SAD, ANGRY, AFRAID, PROUD, FRUSTRATED, IMPATIENT, WORRIED, or RELIEVED? Did you do anything today to make someone else feel any of these ways?

5 5 Vocabulary, Feelings, & Math (Teacher draws two clocks, one at 4:00 and the other at 6:00.) Your mother said to come home at 4:00 and you come home at 6:00: Is 6:00 BEFORE or AFTER 4:00? How MIGHT your mother feel if you are NOT home when you are supposed to be and she does NOT know where you are? (WORRIED or HAPPY?)

6 6 YOUR IDEAS Finding Out About Others’ Feelings: How do you feel when your team wins? Would you feel HAPPIER if you had a half a day off OR a whole day off?

7 7 Teaching the Teacher Identify at least two ways you can teach the key component of identifying feelings to your teacher or students. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service does not discriminateon the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, disability, or status as a veteran in any policies, practices, or procedures and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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