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Mellinger Lesson 2 Radiative transfer & emission from single electron Toshihiro Handa Dept. of Phys. & Astron., Kagoshima University 鹿児島大学/愛媛大学 Galactic.

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Presentation on theme: "Mellinger Lesson 2 Radiative transfer & emission from single electron Toshihiro Handa Dept. of Phys. & Astron., Kagoshima University 鹿児島大学/愛媛大学 Galactic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mellinger Lesson 2 Radiative transfer & emission from single electron Toshihiro Handa Dept. of Phys. & Astron., Kagoshima University 鹿児島大学/愛媛大学 Galactic Radio Astronomy 銀河電波天文学特論

2 Mellinger Ray R dA 1 d1d1 dA 2 d2d2

3 Mellinger Effect of EM wave to a matter ▶ radiative transfer ■ analysis on EM wave travel in a matter ■ phenomenological consideration ■ 1 dimension model along a single ray ▶ Two effects ■ Matter absorbs the light. ■ Matter emits the light.

4 Mellinger Modeling of the radiative transfer ▶ absorption: absorption coeffisent  ■ proportional to the column density of the matter ■ proportional to the intensity of the ray ▶ emission: emissivity j ■ proportional to the column density of the mater

5 Mellinger Radiative transfer equation

6 Mellinger Simplest solution: absorption only

7 Mellinger Simple solution: emission only

8 Mellinger Simplest solution: thermal equilibrium

9 Mellinger General solution

10 Mellinger Physical meaning of the solution ▶ General solution for uniform media I = I 0 e -  + S (1- e -  ) ■ It gives I = (I 0 –S) e -  + S ▶ In the case of  →0: I = I 0 uniform ray ▶ In the case of  →∞: I =S brightness of media ▶ In the general cases, the result is between them

11 Mellinger Brightness temperature

12 Mellinger 1st order approximation and Taylor’s expansion

13 Mellinger Rayleigh-Jeans approximation

14 Mellinger Radiative transfer with brightness temperature ▶ General solution of the rad. trans. eq. I = I 0 e -  + S (1- e -  ) ▶ In thermal equilibrium, S= B (T) ■ Define T from S in the opposite way. ■ It is not always equal to thermodynamical temp. ▶ Using the brightness temperature, T B = T B,0 e -  + T (1- e -  )

15 Mellinger Basis of emission & absorption

16 Mellinger Radiation of a single electron(1) d

17 Mellinger Radiation of a single electron(2)

18 Mellinger Fourier transformation

19 Mellinger Delta function & complex conjugate

20 Mellinger Radiation of a single electron(3)

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