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ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information1 Business Relationship Management Powered by ASIL, Inc. “Business Performance Management ”

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Presentation on theme: "ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information1 Business Relationship Management Powered by ASIL, Inc. “Business Performance Management ”"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information1 Business Relationship Management Powered by ASIL, Inc. “Business Performance Management ”

2 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information2 Effective relationships = Good Business

3 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information3 Commitment: An agreement or pledge to do something in the future; the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled Collaboration: To work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor The Goal is to enable the 3C’s of a Successful Relationship Communication: A process by which information is exchanged between individuals; a technique for expressing ideas effectively Focusing on the 3C’s will create effective relationships. Communication Commitment Collaboration

4 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information4 Team Development Lifecycle FORMING STORMING NORMING PERFORMING Team Development model by Bruce Tuckman

5 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information5 Tuckman’s Team Development Model FORMING PERFORMING Leader – Overview Role Team manages/solves day to day Team goes outside role and does what it takes Personal relationships deepen Trusts turns into Loyalty Goals move to joint commitments Leader – Thought and Process Expert Leader involvement is very high Roles defined but untested and uncertain Focus is inward on ability to influence/contribute Trust begins in “testing the waters” phase Goals are designed but buy-in is low STORMING NORMING Leader – Facilitation Role Less dependence on Leader for guidance Roles are solidified Team begins to create win-win outcomes Trust begins to develop Goals move from individual to shared Leader – Conflict resolution and Focus Role Leader involvement remains high Roles are tested and in some cases pushed Team begins to test decision making ability Trust begins to develop in sub-teams How to achieve goals is challenged

6 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information6 Lessons from Tuckman’s model Every team proceeds through these four stages Teams may proceed backwards as membership or other changes occur. Assess impact of enrolling or changing members. The time teams will remain in these stages can be influenced by leadership, communication and collaboration styles. Know yourself and know your team. Communicate, communicate, communicate

7 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information7 Where does Tuckman’s team development model apply? Anywhere there’s a relationship established between two or more individuals regardless of whether that relationship is between Employees, Employees and Providers or Employees and Customers. Customers Enterprise Providers ASIL-Inc.

8 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information8 The Business Relationship Lifecycle Tuckman’s model and business relationships Create (Forming) Develop (Storming) Strengthen (Norming) (Optimize (Performing)

9 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information9 VisionMissionStrategiesGoalsMeasures Score Carding Corrective Action Resolution Reporting Implement or Perform Defining Performing Measuring The Business Relationship Context

10 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information10 Strengthen (Norming) Develop (Storming) Optimize (Performing) Creating Business Relationships The outcome is understanding and awareness. Create (Forming) Focus is on assessment and understanding of Vision and Strategies Values Goals Core competencies, skills and capabilities Communication Styles Credibility by actions and results

11 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information11 Create (Forming) Strengthen (Norming) Develop (Storming) Optimize (Performing) Developing Business Relationships Focus is on creating and developing alignment of Vision and Strategies Values Goals Core competencies, skills and capabilities Communication and Operating Styles The outcome is credibility, respect, teamwork, common ground and alignment. Focus is on creating and developing alignment of Vision and Strategies Values Goals Core competencies, skills and capabilities Communication and Operating Styles Develop (Storming)

12 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information12 Create (Forming) Strengthen (Norming) Develop (Storming) Optimize (Performing) Strengthening Business Relationships Focus is on shared accountability and responsibility of: Vision and Strategies Values Goals Core competencies, skills and capabilities Problem solving Communicating for results Investing for success The outcome is trust, shared accountability and partnership. Focus is on shared accountability and responsibility of: Vision and Strategies Values Goals Core competencies, skills and capabilities Problem solving Communicating for results Investing for success Develop (Storming)

13 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information13 Create (Forming) Strengthen (Norming) Develop (Storming) Optimize (Performing) Optimizing Business Relationships Focus is on an integration of: Vision and Strategies Values Goals Core competencies, skills and capabilities Problem prevention and mitigation capabilities Common Technology and Communication infrastructures Predictable actions that further the relationship’s interests The outcome is predictable and sustainable actions and results in integrity with the best interests of the relationship and the companies involved. Focus is on an integration of: Vision and Strategies Values Goals Core competencies, skills and capabilities Problem prevention and mitigation capabilities Common Technology and Communication infrastructures Predictable actions that further the relationship’s interests Optimize (Performing)

14 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information14 Obtaining Communication, Commitment and Collaboration: Understand who you are and what you are committed to. Know where you are, where you want to be and what is the next step. Be willing to align structures to enable success. Continually assess accomplishments and gaps. Take action. Leverage – Leverage - Leverage Communicate – Communicate - Communicate In Summary

15 ASIL, Inc. Proprietary Information15 Contact Information ASIL, Inc. 2901 Tasman Drive, Suite 117 Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 980-9904 Warren White Pete Pazmany Visit our web site:

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