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February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre R&D ERL ERL Status & Schedule Gary McIntyre February 17-18, 2010 ERL Status & Schedule.

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Presentation on theme: "February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre R&D ERL ERL Status & Schedule Gary McIntyre February 17-18, 2010 ERL Status & Schedule."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre R&D ERL ERL Status & Schedule Gary McIntyre February 17-18, 2010 ERL Status & Schedule

2 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre ERL Status & Schedule Although important to C-AD, ERL must compete for resources with machine operations – –Sharing resources limits the work that can be performed…  During shutdown periods  Operations maintenance days  Anytime ERL work is in conflict with operations efforts –Best efforts are being made by all ERL-involved groups but schedule slip can and does occur. 2

3 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre ERL Status & Schedule 3 Energy Recovery Linac Milestone Schedule 5-Cell Crymodule to Building 91210/17/08 Start of Cold Emissions Testing03/24/09 Gun Cavity begins processing01/25/10 HTSS testing complete03/09/10 Gun cavity string delivered to BNL09/01/10 Gun Cryomodule moved to BLG 91212/17/10 Sub systems connections to e-Gun Cryomodule complete02/22/11 Testing start of Gun to 5-cell Cavity Cold with metal cathode03/15/11 VTF Refrigerator operational03/23/11 Removal of G-5 components and installation of Injection components06/01/11 G-5 with Injection (Zig-Zag) Testing Starts07/18/11 ERL component installation complete & checkout complete 10/24/11 ERL -All Systems- Testing 10/24/11

4 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre ERL Status & Schedule The critical path remains the electron gun cavity cryomodule –Steps to complete the cryomodule include:  Cavity processing  Hermetic Cavity String assembly  String installation into e-Gun cryomodule –G-5 (e-Gun to 5 cell Cavity) next major milestone –Followed by the full ERL complete 4 e-Gun cavity with large grain R&D cavity

5 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre ERL Status & Schedule Cavity Processing – on going at JLab –Buffered chemical polishing - on-going –Vacuum firing to 600C - complete –High pressure rinsing - on-going –Vertical cold testing at 2K - expected start 02/23/10 5 e-Gun cavity in vacuum furnace (Jefferson Laboratory) Model of e-Gun cavity in Helium Vessel

6 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre ERL Status & Schedule 6 e-Gun Cavity Hermetic String Assembly e-Gun cavity in Helium Vessel Cathode side thermal transition Fundamental Power Coupler side thermal transition Assembly/transport cart Tooling design complete – parts of tooling package in fabrication, others in approval loop. All string components in-house or ordered, no negative schedule impact.

7 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre ERL Status & Schedule String installation into e-Gun cryomodule –Cathode transporter in house –Installation tooling design start scheduled for 04/2010 –All cryomodule components ordered with no negative schedule impact 7 Ballast tank Cathode transporter Cryomodule vacuum vessel Cathode insertion point & choke joint High temperature SC Solenoid

8 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre ERL Schedule 8 Major Milestones  G-5 Testing Requires e-Gun installed in Cryomodule  All major cryomodule components ordered  e-Gun cryogenics lines routing design in process Requires G-5 magnets, instrumentation and vacuum chambers All magnets and stands in-house Installation as time permits Remainder of G-5 vacuum chambers due 04/28/10 Beam instrumentation for G-5 & ERL due 08/26/10 Removal of G-5 “straight” line & install “zig-zag” line Additional testing with this configuration

9 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre ERL Status & Schedule 9 G-5 Layout E-Gun & cathode transporter 5-cell cavity with ballast tank

10 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre ERL Status & Schedule Complete ERL Installation –Requires removal of G-5 Test components –All Loop magnets, stands, and power supplies in-house –All Loop vacuum chambers in-house –Moveable arc stand in-house. –Magnet stand pre-survey underway. –ERL Dump due 03/26/10 –Loop Beam Instrumentation due 08/26/10 –Staging manpower remains biggest challenge 10

11 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Gary McIntyre ERL Status & Schedule 11 ERL Layout in Building 912 e-Gun Cryomodule 5-cell Cryomodule ERL Loop ERL Dump 1MW Klystron 1MW IGBT Power Supply Laser Room

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