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Early Childhood Studies Hereditary and Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Childhood Studies Hereditary and Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Childhood Studies Hereditary and Environment

2 Hereditary (Biological)  A gene is part of a cell that determines which characteristics living things inherit from their parents  Genes determine such features as the shape of a leaf or the sex, height, and hair colour of a child.  They are like blueprints for building a house, except that they carry the plans for building cells, tissues, organs, and bodies No need to copy!

3 Hereditary Characteristics  Body shape-tallness, thickness  Hair/eye colour  Finger/toes shape  Facial shape and features  Skin colour  Ear lobes  Lips and teeth

4 Environment  Consists of the norms, values, belief systems and morals.  Standards of behavior that regulate life in the cultural group in which the child is raised.  Type of stimulation available in the child's immediate environment.  The nature of the child's interpersonal relationships.  The emotional environment shapes personality and affects the development of self-esteem, identity, trust and the ability to enter into intimate relationships. No need to copy!

5 Environmental Characteristics  Speech  Habits (nervous)  Phobias  Fitness  Body build  Intelligence-what you have learned  Behaviour

6 Debate time!!!  How many of you believe that what we are is because we are the product of our genes make up (Biological)?  How many of you believe that what we are is the product of the environment?  Those who believe that we are product of our genes will be-Group A  The others will be-Group B  Both the groups are given 15 mins to prepare.  3 members from each group present their case. Homosexuality, is it a life or lifestyle?(10mins)

7 Thank you.  Next week will be revision time.  Bring your task work book.  Homework need to be done!  Have a good weekend.

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