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A logical fallacy is an argument that is flawed in some way and doesn’t hold up when looked at closely. Here are eight examples of logical fallacies: Slippery.

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Presentation on theme: "A logical fallacy is an argument that is flawed in some way and doesn’t hold up when looked at closely. Here are eight examples of logical fallacies: Slippery."— Presentation transcript:

1 A logical fallacy is an argument that is flawed in some way and doesn’t hold up when looked at closely. Here are eight examples of logical fallacies: Slippery Slope—asserts that one step in a particular direction will cause a downhill slide into disaster. Example: “If they start making the dress code more strict, pretty soon we’ll all have to wear uniforms.” Red Herring—an attempt to distract from the real issue by changing the subject. Example: “The teacher says I should do my homework, but I’m always hungry in that class.” Non Sequitur—means “it doesn’t follow” in Latin. It assumes a false connection between two things. Example: “She’s only popular at school because her parents have money.” Post Hoc—also known as the “false cause” fallacy. It assumes that just because one thing followed another, the first caused the second. Example: “Ever since you sat next to me, I’ve had a headache. It must be your fault.”

2 Bandwagon—asserts that because everyone else is doing it, so should you. Example: “All of my friends are failing that class, so it’s ok for me to fail it too.” Ad Hominem—attacks the arguer instead of the argument. Example: “That may be true, but you’re stupid.” False Authority—uses someone that may not really know that much about something to make an argument about it. Example: “Rapper Big D says you should buy a Dell computer.” Hasty Generalization—also called an overgeneralization, assumes something is true about most or all of a group because it is true of some. Example: “Most teenagers are lazy and rude.” Watch the video below for examples of how fallacies appear in commercials and other media.

3 On a separate paper, explain which fallacies we see in the commercials below and why they are examples of those fallacies. Dos Equis The fallacy is _________ because________. DirecTV The fallacy is _________ because________. McDonald’s The fallacy is _________ because________. Geico The fallacy is _________ because________.

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