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LT07 " Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within European Cultural Heritage" Lithuania Dalia Stabrauskaitė Ministry of Culture of the Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "LT07 " Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within European Cultural Heritage" Lithuania Dalia Stabrauskaitė Ministry of Culture of the Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 LT07 " Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within European Cultural Heritage" Lithuania Dalia Stabrauskaitė Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania Overview of the programmes in PA17, EEA Grants 2009-2014 8-9 October 2015

2 Supported activities 2 MEASURES: 1) International co-production projects - 40.000-150.000 EUR for projects; - projects must result in artistic products of high artistic and creative value; 2) International cooperation projects - 15.000 EUR – 40.000 EUR for projects; - co-operation activities (seminars, workshops, study visits, etc.). All fields of culture and arts (except for film development projects). Most of the applications were within the fields of: stage and visual arts, cultural heritage & digitalization, music.

3 Specific selection criteria (in the area of arts) high artistic and cultural value of the project; cooperation and partnership between participating organizations in the project will have a significant positive impact on the overall quality of the project; project aims to reduce cultural and (or) social exclusion and to improve access to culture; project will be implemented either partly or entirely by entities operating in the cultural sector from the regions of the participating countries; project takes account of and raises public awareness about the principles of non-discrimination and tolerance, cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue (also involving national minorities); 

4 substantiated importance and relevance of the project; project involves young people under 25 (applies to projects under Measure I); involvement of entities that have not been previously involved in international cultural cooperation projects (applies to projects under Measure II); the share of own funds of the project promoter and (or) partner(-s) is higher than 15 %. 5 percent of the funding available had to be allocated to projects taking account of or related to the Jewish cultural heritage.

5 Selection procedure (1/3)

6 The amount applied for exceeded the budget available 3,38 times. Selection procedure (2/3)

7 21 May 2014Launch of the call(The only call) 5 September 2014End of the call 16 September to 22 December I stage of evaluation (Administrative compliance and the eligibility for funding, for 36 applications) 9 employees of the Agency (Public entity “Central project management agency”, CPMA) 15 December – 23 January 2015 II stage of evaluation (Content related appraisal, for 21 applications) The Agency (9 people) + 6 external experts of the culture (3 Norwegians for Measure I and 3 Lithuanians for Measure II) 13 February 2015Selection Committee meetingThe Ministry of Culture + the Arts Council Norway + 3 observers 5 March 2015Official allocation of funding for 11 projects The order of the minister of culture Selection procedure (3/3)

8 Results (1/2)

9 Results (2/2)

10 Projects are in the midst of implementation. C reative products created during the project must be presented at least once in no less than 2 regions of Lithuania and at least once in the Donor State that the project partner(s) is/are from. Most of the projects include educational workshops for the public. Current stage

11 More information (1/2)

12 More information (2/2)

13 Děkuji !

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