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Impediments Exercise 1. Q: James struggled in CRTW. “Why couldn’t the professor just tell us what we should know?” A: educational practices 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Impediments Exercise 1. Q: James struggled in CRTW. “Why couldn’t the professor just tell us what we should know?” A: educational practices 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impediments Exercise 1

2 Q: James struggled in CRTW. “Why couldn’t the professor just tell us what we should know?” A: educational practices 2

3 Q: Jamie had no interest in joining a sorority after she met Sue Smith from . Greek girls are all the same: stuck up. A: stereotyping 3

4 Q: Mrs. Cleaver always bought Brand X floor cleaner so that her kitchen could be the envy of the neighborhood. A: forming a picture of the world based on movies, TV, advertising, and magazines 4

5 Q: I will never adopt a pet from the Humane Society. A dog my parents adopted tried to bite me, so ever since then we got our pets from registered breeders only. A: personal experience 5

6 Q: I donate to the X charity just as the rest of my family does. A: previous commitments 6

7 Q: Susie never told her parents what happened. If she did, they would never let her see Tom again. A: fear 7

8 Q: If Jamie didn’t get chosen to pledge , she wasn’t going to join any sorority at all. A: all or nothing/black and white 8

9 Q: Dimetra suspected Mitchell of cheating on her but pushed the thought out of her mind. If she processed her suspicion, she would have to deal with it; Dimetra was happy with him and didn’t want to lose him. A: denial 9

10 Q: Bill and Alice don’t recycle. They would be long gone before effects of greenhouse gases would be felt severely. And anyway, increases in greenhouse gases are probably a normal Earth cycle. A: egocentrism 10

11 Q: Emily cautioned that we couldn’t be too careful at night. Reports indicate that so much violence is everywhere. A: forming a picture of the world based on news media 11

12 Q: As an  sister, Jamie loved being able to look down on those not good enough to belong to . A: us versus them 12

13 Q: When Paul didn’t get what he wanted, he would sulk in a corner—worked great with his girlfriend. Lately, though, this strategy wasn’t working for him. A: developmental patterns 13

14 Q: Ever since Maya was young and a blue balloon burst in her face, she steers clear of anything blue and spherical, such as blueberries. A: personal experience fear 14

15 Q: I never turn off my cell phone. My friends would never understand, and I hate to miss anything. A: fear previous commitments 15

16 Q: I like my hot dogs with mustard and sauerkraut. At the picnic, the only condiments available were ketchup, mustard, and relish. So I just filled up on potato salad and chips. A: all or nothing/black and white 16

17 Q: I always try to watch the Panthers from my lucky chair to insure we win. A: fear personal experience 17

18 Q: My favorite color is clear. Unfortunately, clear is rarely offered as a choice, so I fall back on my next favorite color: rainbow, also rarely offered as a choice. A: not an impediment unless an inability to get favorite color results in non-critical thinking behavior, e.g., anger, frustration, etc. 18

19 Q: Despite the fact that her daughter lost on American Idol and The Voice, Mrs. Smith knew her daughter had talent. A: denial 19

20 Q: Our neighbors always said that we had the best outdoor Christmas display for years until a new family in our neighborhood outdid us. Now we just hang a wreath on the door. In the end, the new neighbor’s display really is too much and suggests that they have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. A: us versus them all or nothing 20

21 Q: I loved my Barbie doll when I was young. I am saving money so that I can have plastic surgery to look more like her. A: forming a picture of the world based on movies, TV, advertising, and magazines 21

22 Q: I cannot stand waiting to give someone a present. For example, when I buy a birthday present for someone, I have to give it to that person right away, even if the person’s birthday is less than a week away. A: egocentrism 22

23 Q: When I was little, I loved to put olives on each finger and eat them one at a time. When I do that now at Thomson Cafe, people look at me like I’m weird. I guess they never saw people eat olives off their finger tips before. A: developmental patterns 23

24 Q: I hate Dr. Moriarty’s tests; they’re not fair. He almost always asks questions about stuff he didn’t go over in class. A: educational practices 24

25 Q: When I was in kindergarten, my grandmother’s neighbor invited me to stay for dinner. She made fried fish and told me to be careful because the fish can have bones in it that I could choke to death on. Now I never eat anything except for the breaded frozen fish sticks my mother had always made. I know that they will not choke me. A: personal experience 25

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