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Abraham Lincoln Imani Wideman. The historical Event: FPart The historical Event is Slavery The very nature of slavery, which viewed enslaved blacks as.

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1 Abraham Lincoln Imani Wideman

2 The historical Event: FPart The historical Event is Slavery The very nature of slavery, which viewed enslaved blacks as property rather than human beings, denied to saves the basic rights and freedoms necessary to form secure and stable families. The masters absolute power made it nearly impossible for slaves to develop relationships and responsibilities considered typical of a healthy family structure at the time. Some saves were lucky enough to live in the same pace all their lives, raised families and had grandchildren like most folks despite the tremendous odds against them, unlike other slaves who were often moved from different plantations and separated from their families.

3 The Historical Event: Part Two A large number of mulattoes came from sexual abuse of black women in the antebellum America. The were at least 246,00 mulatto slaves in a total save population of 3.2 million. Blacks were free in the North and only a little in the South of America. By the 1850’s, the united states divided in to the North and the South. The north there was no slave labor and the South had slave labor. When Lincoln was inaugurated on 3/4/1861 there where still eight slave states still remained in the Union. These states were Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas and the border stares of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri. The civil war began on April 12, 1861. In the beginning of the war Lincoln had every reason to expect the Union to prevail. The South had one-half of the population of the north. The north was better equipped to wage war as well.

4 Historical Event: Part Three “In the spring of 1861, decades of simmering tensions between the northern and southern United States over issues including states' rights versus federal authority, westward expansion and slavery exploded into the American Civil War (1861-65). The election of the anti-slavery Republican Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860 caused seven southern states to secede from the Union to form the Confederate States of America; four more joined them after the first shots of the Civil War were fired. Four years of brutal conflict were marked by historic battles at Bull Run (Manassas), Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Vicksburg, among others. The War Between the States, as the Civil War was also known, pitted neighbor against neighbor and in some cases, brother against brother. By the time it ended in Confederate surrender in 1865, the Civil War proved to be the costliest war ever fought on American soil, with some 620,000 of 2.4 million soldiers killed, millions more injured and the population and territory of the South devastated.” was said by THe north one the war and this is the reason that us as african americans are free today.

5 Back round to the Crisis What is the Crisis? The crisis was The civil war. Where was it happening? It was happening mostly on the South side of America and ply a little bit on the North side. By the South I mostly mean states like Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas and the border stares of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri. When was happening in America? It was happening from 1619 to 1789 Why did slavery cause conflict? Slavery caused conflict simply because some people thought it was fair and some didn’t so there was a war because of it.

6 The Decision State the option Abraham Lincoln chose and the arguments used to support this option. He choose to write the Emancipation Proclamation because, as stated in his Gettysburg Address, he knew that all men were created equally and that. “He states that he did not go into war to put down slavery but to put the flag back.” But more and more Lincoln was being called upon to do something about slavery. The republican Congress wanted him to act. What factors made him choose this option over other choices? He decided to write the emancipation Proclamation because he feared that if he acted to free the slaves it would be a huge mistake. He though they would have abandoned the North and Joined the Confederacy. How long from the beginning of the crisis did it take him to make this decision? It took lincoln until the summer of 1862.

7 The Result WHat happened after this decision? The crisis was resolved and the north won the Civil War. Slavery is now ended. Who was satisfied, and who was not? THe north was satisfied because they won the war successfully, but the South wasn’t because they wanted to continue slavery. How long from the beginning of the crisis did it take him to make this? It took him until the summer of 1862. decision

8 The Result: Part Two DID it resolve the Crisis? Although The crisis had a tremendous impact on the public it still freed very few slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation promised that “On the first day of January, in the year of our lord, one thousand and sixty three, all persons held as slaves” within the state of the Confederacy “ shall be then, thenceforth and forever free.” THe emancipation Proclamation did not free slaves in rebel territory, they were beyond reach. Nor did it appy to the slaves within the border states which were Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas and the border stares of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri. But, the Emancipation Proclamation had a very Important benefit. It offered enslaved people the promise of freedom. Lincoln soon noticed and wrote another amendment that the Republicans agreed with.

9 Hind Sight How has this decision impacted America and the world? It has impacted the world because it has made african americans feel like human beings but when the african americans were freed they had no base or way to start off a new living so this is why there are so many different problems with the african american population today. How have historians, politicians, and others judged this decision? They have judged it in all different ways depending on the fact ether they though all men where created equal or not. Some politicians think that what he did was tremendous and that he made the right decision and others just believe that he was just wrong. If they think that he was wrong that means that they are either upset about the fact about the way he freed the slaves of the fact that he did free the saves. What it the right decision? Yes is was the right decision because i am black and I simply believe that blacks should be free. Just like Abraham Lincoln i think that ALl men are crated equal and that we should treat each other how we would want to be treated.

10 HInd Sight: Part Two Argue and assess whether you agree with this decision. What option would you have chosen? I strongly agree with this decision because I don’t understand why people would be judged by the color of their skin. We are al the same ad people and should be treated equal. There is know other option i would have chosen I think that Lincoln choose the right thing to do and that it worked out perfectly.

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