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Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrate Class: Birds (Aves) Over 9700 different species divided into 29 different orders. BIRD CLASSIFICATION:

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2 Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrate Class: Birds (Aves) Over 9700 different species divided into 29 different orders. BIRD CLASSIFICATION:

3 CHARACTERISICS OF BIRDS: Feathers: (modified scales)  Flight  Insulation  Made of keratin Four different types of feathers: 1.Down feathers:  Soft and Fluffy  Entire body of young  Adult: Lies closest to body for insulation Down feather

4 2.Contour feathers:  Streamline shape  Bottom part similar to Down (insulation)  Coloration  Camouflage  Identifies species/sex Contour Feather

5 3.Flight feathers: (modified Contour)  Wings & tail  Helps provide lift for flight

6 4.Bristle feathers:  Located on Eyes, Nostrils & Around Face  Filter dirt  Similar to eyelashes/nose hair

7 PARTS OF A FEATHER: Follicle: Tiny pit in skin where feathers develop Shaft or quill: Develops from follicle & runs up center of feather Vanes: 2 vanes per feather on each side of shaft Barbs: Many make up a vane Barbules: Have hooks on ends to hold barbs together Hooks Hold barbules together


9 (deep)

10 Similar Structures…Amphibians…Reptiles…

11 Preening: Use beak to spread oil from preening gland, helps repel water Preening Gland: Base of tail, contains oil Molting: Shed feathers (once a year)

12 Skeletal System:  Light & Strong  Thin, hollow, air filled, & rigid bones  Humerus, radius, ulna, pectoral girdle, & sternum (keel) support wings  Many fused bones

13 Muscular System:  Large filament muscles for strength  Flight muscles = 50% weight

14 Metabolism:  Very fast metabolism  Temperature: 104-105º F  Rapid breathing  Generate heat to warm body internally  Need large quantities of food  Can’t go long periods of time w/o eating  Layer of fat for insulation  Endothermic metabolism:

15 Digestive System: Passage of food: Mouth Esophagus Crop Two-part stomach Small intestines Large Intestines (Caeca) Cloaca Proventriculus Gizzard

16 Large Intestine Esophagus StomachStomach

17 Crop: Storage for food; where it’s moistened Proventriculus: First part of stomach; where digestion starts Gizzard: Helps kneed the food (eat pebbles to help crush food) Small Intestines: Where most food is digested, absorbed and broken down by enzymes and bile Large Intestines: (Caeca/um) Water absorbed, waste separated from nutrients Cloaca: Where everything comes together 45 MINUTES TO DIGEST & REMOVE!!!

18 **Crop Has Been Removed


20 Gizzard with Pebbles

21 Lower Digestive System

22 Excretory System:  Filters nitrogenous wastes from blood with kidney  Urine contains uric acid (white)  NO URINARY BLADDER=LIGHTER FOR FLIGHT


24 Respiratory System:  Elaborate and highly efficient  Needs lots of oxygen continuously  High metabolic rate

25 Passage of air: Pair of nostrils Located near base of beak Trachea Where air passes after entering nostrils Bronchi 2 bronchi, air goes in second; lead to air sacs Lungs 75% bypasses lungs Air Sacs 9 air sacs, extend from lungs; reduces density; stores air

26 TRACHEA Esophagus


28 Circulatory System:  4 Chambered Heart  2-A  2-V (THICK)  Septum-Divides Ventricles…NO MIXING Humming Bird – 600 times/minute Chickadee – 1000 times/minute A V SEPTUM

29 Oxygenated blood (red) is pumped from the lungs to various parts of the body; Deoxygenated blood (blue) is returned for recycling.

30 Nervous System:  Very Large Brains  Coordinated movement  Contains large optic lobes (very good color)  Wide field of vision  Excellent depth perception

31 Reproduction: Males:  Sperm is produced in 2 testes  Sperm passes through small tubes called vasa deferntia into the phallus to the cloaca  Mating – male presses his cloaca to the female cloaca and releases sperm Retracted and Erect phallus of a male

32 Females:  Single ovary on left side of body  Ovary releases eggs into oviduct where they’re fertilized  Fertilized eggs move down the oviduct where they receive a protective covering and shell  Egg passes out cloaca

33 For most birds, copulation involves a “cloacal kiss”, with the male on the female's back & twisting his tail under the female's -Copulation typically lasts just a few seconds

34 Oviparity:   Lay eggs in nest which conceals young from predators & provides shelter

35 Parental Care:   Both parents incubate eggs by sitting on them   Feathered patch of skin (brood patch) for covering

36 Migration:   When cold and food is scarce-fly south

37 Diversity of the species:   Use beak, feet, plumage & DNA to classify

38 Navigation:   Use stars & sun; earths magnetic field; changes in air pressure; low frequency sounds; topographical landmarks




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