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PERCEPTION!. Perception What is perception and how does it influence our perspectives? What is perception and how does it influence our perspectives?

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Presentation on theme: "PERCEPTION!. Perception What is perception and how does it influence our perspectives? What is perception and how does it influence our perspectives?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Perception What is perception and how does it influence our perspectives? What is perception and how does it influence our perspectives?

3 Perception The process of integrating, organizing, and interpreting sensation

4 And Remember…your brain takes SHORTCUTS! Perceptions Influenced by: ----motivation ----Values ----Expectations ----Experience ----Culture ----Cognitive Style ----Personality

5 Selective Attention focus of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus

6 Visual Capture –tendency for vision to dominate the other senses

7 Perception – tell your neighbor the definition! The process of integrating, organizing, and interpreting sensationThe process of integrating, organizing, and interpreting sensation

8 Figure- Ground relationship organization of thevisual field into objects (figures)……… that stand out from their surroundings (ground) organization of thevisual field into objects (figures)……… that stand out from their surroundings (ground) Analyzing separate information allows us to re- act to each individual object accordingly Analyzing separate information allows us to re- act to each individual object accordingly

9 What is the figure, and what is the background here?

10 Camouflage when figures blend into the background when figures blend into the background No distinction between “figure” and “ground” No distinction between “figure” and “ground”

11 Cover one eye with a sunglass lens…

12 groups or as whole objects –Gestalt Psychologists focus on how we normally perceive images as groups or as whole objects, not isolated elements – Our brain takes shortcuts! Gestalt Psychology

13 Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs! cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

14 –Several factors influence how we will group objects: Proximity Similarity Continuity Closure

15 –proximity- group nearby figures together


17 –similarity- Objects that are similar in appearance are more likely to be perceived as belonging in the same group

18 continuity The tendency to Perceive continuous patterns


20 closure- – The tendency to overlook incompleteness, and complete objects – We make them fit our preconceptions



23 Constancy – perceiving objects as unchanging despite changes in retinal image There are three types of constancy cues: – Size Constancy – Shape Constancy – Brightness Constancy

24 Size Constancy Objects closer to us will produce bigger images on our retinas, and as they move away they project a smaller image. The actual size of the object does not change


26 Objects viewed from different angles will produce different shapes on our retina. Though we may change our position, the shape doesn’t change. Shape Constancy

27 Brightness/Color Constancy We perceive objects as having a constant color, despite lighting, shading, etc. –A brick wall is still red, whether bright sunlight is on it, or darkness has made it look gray.

28 We perceive the white as a constant whiteness, regardless of the shadow, when in reality, it is the same gray as the gray me.

29 Depth Perception Depth Cues allow us to perceive the world in three dimensions. – Monocular Cues are depth cues that do not depend on having two eyes working in conjunction together – Binocular Cues are depth cues that depend on having two eyes working in conjunction with each other

30 Relative Height Relative Size Texture Gradient Interposition Relative Clarity/Shadowing Linear Perspective Relative motion/motion parallax Monocular Cues

31 relative size smaller image is more distant


33 texture gradient –coarse --> close fine --> distant –(Look at the floor beneath you, and then across the room)



36 Interposition/ Overlap A closer object blocks a more distant object


38 relative clarity/shadowing hazy object seen as more distant Lighted objects seem closer Darker objects seem further away

39 Relative Clarity

40 Shadowing Notice the “perception” of depth changes when shading is reversed


42 If it doesn’t work…try clicking HEREHERE

43 Relative Height Objects higher in our field of vision are perceived as farther away Vertical Dimensions are often perceived as longer than identical horizontal dimensions

44 Who’s farthest away? Who’s tallest?



47 linear perspective parallel lines converge with distance

48 Vanishing Point – where two parallel lines connect in the distance


50 relative motion/ Motion ParallaxMotion Parallax closer objects seem to move faster (riding in a car, trees along the road vs. houses in the distance)

51 Artists use these all the time to give their work a true feeling of depth Trompe l'oeil

52 Check out this picture…

53 …from a different angle!









62 Same drawing from another angle…


















80 These visual tricks provide depth and dimension to artwork on walls

81 Artwork inside houses

82 And of course…. Classical Art Escaping Criticism, 1874, by Pere Borrell del Caso

83 Binocular Cues – convergence neuromuscular cue two eyes move inward for near objects (bring a pencil slowly toward your eyes- keep focusing on the pencil- feel your eyes move)

84 – (Retinal) Binocular disparity images from the two eyes differ closer the object, the larger the disparity (Hold a pencil in front of you, close one eye, then close the other eye- you get two different images)

85 Binocular Depth Cues: Finger Sausage

86 Believe or not – there is a three dimensional hour glass in here!

87 REVIEW! Do You Remember Your Depth Cues??? Do You Remember Your Depth Cues???

88 How many monocular depth cues can you spot? 1.Linear Perspective 2.Overlap/ interposition 3.Texture gradient 4.Relative size 5.Shadowing/ clarity 6.Relative height

89 Motion Eye muscle activity Changing retinal image Contrast of the moving object and its stationary background All combine to bring us the perception of motion

90 Motion Stroboscopic Motion- Stroboscopic Motion- timed flashing lights or moving pictures that give the illusion of movement




94 Factors That Influence Perceptual Interpretations Perceptual Set Perceptual Set –The tendency to perceive a person or a situation in a particular way due to our past experiences with similar persons or situations

95 Perpetual Set - UFO

96 Original Image – what do you see?


98 “this is the first blowup to just 500 times the original.. and addition of the cyan blue filter.. that will develop the interior of the ship”

99 “Below is the ship solarized and invert to find edges.. from the blue cyan filter.. this is just 500 times.. and for the abduction and cattle mutilation pix i had to go to 3000 times.. “

100 “from the solarized version.. i go to desaturation.. of color and then increase the enlargement.. ive found for myself it is better to have the photo in black and white to see the detail.. the colors are not as clear.. and btw some of the scenes in this are sexual.. i may eventually cut some out.. but these guys are certainly preoccupied with sex.. “ “NEXT IS CATTLE ABDUCTION FROM THE ABOVE PHOTO CUT>.”

101 “this is one of the two first cuts i made and shows a horse being abducted and probably the usual cuts.. etc.. or perhaps just DNA research..” …see anything yet? It depends on your “perceptual set” I guess…

102 “Below is the same picture … only OUTLINED.. and i think you can compare and see what is happening.. and certainly the ANSWER to many of the CATTLE MUTILATIONS ETC.. but i don't believe all of them.. the LIzARDS on this planet also use the horse and animals for sacrifice and ritual.. and even HANG HORSES.. these are not NOT NICE CRITTERS WHO ABUSE AND USE ALL OF THE LIFE ON THIS PLANET IN DEROGATORY METHODS...the PRIESTESS is also sometimes considered to be a REPTILIAN PRINCESS WHO TAKE CHARGE OF MUCH OF WHAT HAPPENS ON AND OFF THIS PLANET..” “ABDUCTIONS SHOULD END” …regardless of our perceptions, I think we all can agree on that…

103 Perceptual Illusions When our normal, automatic perception processes guide us to the wrong conclusions


105 Muller- Lyer Illusion Which area is longer?

106 How about these ?

107 Which monster and line segment is larger?


109 Subliminal Perception Thresholds imply that there must be stimulus below and beyond our current levels of detection. Can human behavior be influenced by stimulus that is below or beyond our level of awareness?

110 Extrasensory Perception Some people claim to have extra powers of perception, or the ability to respond to an unknown event that is not presented to any of the known senses. Parapsychology

111 Cover one eye with a sunglass lens…



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