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Debating Legislation – now that we’ve turned in our bills… We follow rules of procedure…aka Parliamentary Procedure aka Parli Pro You are a delegate in.

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Presentation on theme: "Debating Legislation – now that we’ve turned in our bills… We follow rules of procedure…aka Parliamentary Procedure aka Parli Pro You are a delegate in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Debating Legislation – now that we’ve turned in our bills… We follow rules of procedure…aka Parliamentary Procedure aka Parli Pro You are a delegate in the HAD Model Congress Step 1 is you must submit a bill to the authority prior to it being introduced A bill is a congressional enactment which amends current legislation, enacts a new law, or takes action on a matter A majority vote is required to pass a bill


3 Structured Debate Debate begins with alternating speeches For and Against the motion (bill). Structured debate consists of four speeches of alternating viewpoints; the first two are 4 minutes; the next two are limited to 2 minutes I wrote this bill. It’s a good bill. This is why… Here is my main concern with this piece of legislation… I rise in favor of this bill, because… I disagree, therefore, I rise in opposition.

4 Structured Debate, cont. The first speech is the authorship speech. The speaker may speak for the full 4 minutes or yield the remainder of the time for questions – points of inquiry. 4 Minute Con - The second speech of 4 minutes is given by a delegate in opposition of the bill. (If no one steps forward, a delegate will be chosen) Two more speeches (For, then Against) will be given




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