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How to Go Hide and Seek in the Dark! Ms. Ricks 12-1-07.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Go Hide and Seek in the Dark! Ms. Ricks 12-1-07."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Go Hide and Seek in the Dark! Ms. Ricks 12-1-07

2 What is the Name of the Game? Hide and Go Seek in the Dark

3 What Type of Game is It? Childhood Game

4 What do I Need to Play It? Dark Location Hiding Spots Other People

5 Are There Any Teams? No you don’t have to –It can be you versus everyone else Yes there can be –You can have several teams –You can have 2, 3, 4…people on a team. –The group playing can decide, and it depends on the number of people playing

6 What are Some of the BIG Rules? 1.You have to count to a set number, like 60, to give the other players time to hide 2.You can’t tell were someone else is hiding to save yourself

7 What are Some of the BIG Rules? Continued 3.You can’t move once you are hiding 4.You can’t talk once you are hiding 5.You have to call “Olley, Olley, Oxen Free” when you find someone

8 What are Some of the Strategies? Run around the person counting in different areas making sounds and talking Get in a comfy hiding spot Don’t get in a hiding spot where you have to hold a position, it can hurt after a while.

9 What are Some of the Strategies? Continued Hide close to someone else Don’t go to the same place every time – unless no one knows about it and you never get caught Don’t hide in the light or where light shines on you

10 How Do I Play It? One person is selected to be “It” and they count to a set number like 60 While the “It” person is counting the rest of the people go to find somewhere to hide You need to be in a hiding spot before the “It” person finishes counting

11 How Do I play It? Continued Once you find a hiding spot you have to stay there until you or someone is found When the “It” person finds you, or someone, they yell “Olley. Olley, Oxen Free” as loud as they can

12 How Can I Lose? By not being ready they the person finishes counting By not being completely hidden By talking when you are hiding By hiding next to the person counting By not being creative

13 How Can I Win? By being quiet when you hide By not moving once you are hidden By hiding in a different spot By hiding in the “good” spot that is never found By not telling other people where you hide

14 Summary There is an “It” person that counts while you hide You to hide in a good dark spot You want to be quiet when you hide You want to hide in an easy to hold position You don’t want to give you position away

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