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{ By Matthew Lau Pandas are heavy but they do exercise a lot by playing around on there little play grounds in some zoos. They love to play with family.

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Presentation on theme: "{ By Matthew Lau Pandas are heavy but they do exercise a lot by playing around on there little play grounds in some zoos. They love to play with family."— Presentation transcript:


2 { By Matthew Lau Pandas are heavy but they do exercise a lot by playing around on there little play grounds in some zoos. They love to play with family more then they want to eat food.

3 Pandas sometimes go looking around for food and they find people and they just eat while people take pictures of them. Pandas don’t have much room to exercise but they play with their family.

4 Pandas love to hide and other pandas try and find them. They don’t know what the game is called but they love to to play hide in seek.

5 Like some pandas they don’t like to do anything but when they see other pandas playing they start to join and the next you know is that you see all of them playing with each other. They love to play with anyone if you you are nice and caring. They love playing together.

6 When pandas are bored sometimes you don’t know what they are going to do. They can sleep, talk, play, and eat if they want to.


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