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Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young-- a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King.

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Presentation on theme: "Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young-- a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King."— Presentation transcript:

1 Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young-- a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King and my God. Psalm 84:3

2 2001  First child is left on the front doorstep of Domingos and Dorcas Caetano, Christian Pastors in the town of Nhamatanda, who never had any children of their own.  The children are true orphans whose parents had mostly died of AIDS.

3 2002  The orphanage grows to 24 children.  This was the first time Brian and Elizabeth visited the orphanage.  As a Church, we started donating to provide food, clothing, and buildings for the growing number of children that Domingos and Dorcas were caring for.

4 2004  The Half-Acre property behind the Orphanage became available for purchase for $US4000.  Our Church contributed $US2000 toward purchasing the land allowing the Orphanage to expand.


6 2007  The number of children grows to over 50.  Purchase of a car and a small truck for the new, safer veggie garden 44 km from Nhamatanda (5 acres). The one which they owned closer to town was being raided by thieves.








14 Hang on! Help is on the Way  Ben Wright came in 2007 and applied his medical skills reviewing the children’s health.  The weather was horrific! Hot and extremely still and humid!  Brian and Elizabeth prayed for Domingos and his very ill wife, Dorcas.




18 2008  Sadly, Dorcas passed away - leaving Domingos to run the orphanage with minimal support onsite.  This situation – with so many teenaged girls – required experienced female assistants

19 2009  Norwich UK supporting church donated material and labour for work to be done in order to complete girls’ dormitories.  Water tank, septic tank and drainage were also upgraded that year.  Numbers went up to over 60 children.

20  Construction of girls dormitories

21 Inside the dormitories

22 2010  Domingos remarried to Alese, a pastor’s widow  A very capable manager, Alese immediately joined him in managing the staff and caring for the children.


24 2011  The large building extension was completed for the girls’ dormitory.  They now have two showers and toilets which is exceptional in Mozambique.  This was only possible because of some church contacts in Norwich, U.K.


26 2012  Some of our children are now 18+ and are leaving the orphanage. Some are getting married, a couple have children, while seven have gone on to tertiary studies, joining the police and even going to university.

27 2009 On arrival in 2009 at age 9, a frightened boy walking 200km up the hwy on his own

28 Called in to greet the visitors! Another “sparrow accepted!

29 Pensa in 2012 - now aged 13 – lovingly constantly cares for Domingos’ 96 yr-old blind but mentally coherent mother!!

30 The Challenge  To raise money for:  daily running costs of the orphanage and its 60+ children - approximately $US2000 per month.  Upgrades for the facility including improving drainage of waste water.  Personal assistance to Domingos [now 69] and Alese.

31 Sparrows’ Nest Orphanage  To donate – contact Holroyd New Life Church’s office on  Our pledge – over 15 years of support we have ALWAYS ensured every dollar donated goes to Mozambique – unlike most Third World donor programs, no admin costs at all are deducted.  God bless you as you assist these children with what Lifeline Founder Ron Davies calls “Tokens of God’s Love”

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