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Ilya Mironov, Omkant Pandey, Omer Reingold, Gil Segev Microsoft Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Ilya Mironov, Omkant Pandey, Omer Reingold, Gil Segev Microsoft Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ilya Mironov, Omkant Pandey, Omer Reingold, Gil Segev Microsoft Research

2 Incremental Deterministic Public-Key Encryption

3 Deterministic Public-Key Encryption


5 Deterministic Public-Key Encryption: PRIV1-IND [Bellare, Boldyreva, O’Neill CRYPTO’07] E pk [ ]

6 Is It Secure? Computational assumptions Min-entropy of the source Secure Deterministic Encryption Long, unpredictable plaintext: -digital photograph -MS Word document -entire database -full disk -search -de-duplication -deterministic KEM

7 security efficiency Length of the plaintext

8 Incrementality -Incrementality with access to plaintext: setting bit -Incrementality without access to plaintext: flipping bit

9 Incremental Deterministic Public-Key Encryption

10 Our results  Two schemes 1. Generic Solution 2. DDH-based solution tight up to polylog factors incrementality min-entropy Deterministic Encryption Incremental Deterministic Encryption

11 Naïve Generic Solution min-entropy ? EEE … E: deterministic encryption scheme

12 Sample-then-extract [Nisan,Zuckerman’96][Vadhan’04] min-entropy similar min-entropy rate

13 Generic Solution min-entropy Partition input into random subsets PRIV-IND  PRIV1-IND with Incrementality

14 Standard Model DDH  PRIV1-IND with Incrementality

15 Lossy Trapdoor Functions [Peikert, Waters STOC’08] Injective mode: Lossy mode:

16 Smooth Trapdoor Functions Injective mode: Smooth mode: statistically close

17 Smooth Trapdoor Functions  PRIV1-IND Security injective mode: smooth mode:

18 Construction of PRIV1-IND Lossy Trapdoor FunctionPairwise-independent permutation Smooth Trapdoor Function [Boldyreva, Fehr, O’Neill CRYPTO’08] Deterministic Public-Key Encryption

19 Construction of PRIV1-IND Lossy Trapdoor FunctionPairwise-independent permutation Smooth Trapdoor Function [Boldyreva, Fehr, O’Neill CRYPTO’08] Deterministic Public-Key Encryption Incremental

20 Construction of Lossy TDF [Freeman, Goldreich, Kiltz, Rosen, Segev PKC’10] [Brakerski, Segev CRYPTO’11] Key generation Encryption Decryption

21 Security Argument: Lossy TDF rank 1

22 Towards Incremental Smooth TDF rank ℓ sparse

23 Towards Incremental Smooth TDF  Sample-then-extract + Leftover Hash Lemma

24 Towards Incremental Smooth TDF 


26 Smooth vs Injective Mode full rank

27 Incrementality 

28 Open Problems Incremental Deterministic Encryption:  Stronger security: PRIV-IND (multiple messages)  Length-preserving in the standard model Deterministic Encryption:  Relaxing the definition to allow dependency on the public key

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